On 2008-03-21 16:27, Sekani wrote:
Um, most people went fortetecher because they wanted to be the supreme teching class. This is why a lot of them don't like the acrotecher class much, since they took away part of that superiority. The vast majority of fortetechers I know would rather have level 40 support and exclusive use of rods forever, and I honestly don't think they'd be threatened by another class with level 40 attack techs.
um, supreme teching class=lvl 40 attack techs.
Acrotechers are like heaven for FT, they got better defense and cast faster, so switching to AT will help you level your technics to 30 before you do the hard part. There's no disliking AT...
As for the techers you know, if you really think they do...and maybe they do, well to each their own I guess. I'm gonna point out that not every fortetecher uses rods, based on previous forum discussion.

Um, I'm sorry for dragging this off topic I'll stop now.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Talise on 2008-03-21 21:27 ]</font>