-news post-
Team .00 is going under some serious technical difficulties as of late. But we do have a website, (geocities ) and hosted signature banners (if you choosse to use them.) Oh yeah, I [Elvendar] can provide tech support if you don't know how to set up your banner.

The website: http://www.geocities.com/vaughnaham
if this link doesn't work, i'll fix it later.
-end news post-

Team .00 is a small playing group which has been around for a few months now. We (the members) want a larger playerbase in order to benefit other members of the group. We are now accepting applications.

I have taken the liberty of making signature banners and such. A friend (R0oT, a.k.a. ULTICOMP) is hooking us up with a website, message board, AND IRC chatroom!

Seeing as how we can't be accepting everyone into our group, we have a few requirements.

-At least one character of Level 40 or higher (You must be able to play in Vhard Difficulty online.)
-No excessive duping (we do allow duping for character backup and special item backup reasons, but you are NOT allowed to dupe items just so you can get better trades.
-...and please respect other members while playing.
-No 12* Gear allowed with the exception of S-ranks or with direct permission from one of the leaders. Too many people have been bitching about duped items.

I do this for several reasons. One, it ruins the fun of others when you go around with a giant bomb killing everything in one hit. Secondly, there is no guaranteed way of verifying an item as duped, so I'm just saving time, as most 12 star rares are commonly duped. Don't bitch about this rule.

If you'd be interested in joining, please either reply to this thread or PM me.

-Team Openings-
New Team - Creator: Elvendar
This new team is open to anyone who has a slot open on their memory cards. Create a new, level one HUmar. No twink restrictions, twink as much as you'd like! The 12* gear rule still applies. New rules for this team:
Character Creation: Must have default brown hair. Costume color must be #7 on the lower palette. (White uniform with red for pants.) Apply for the team via PM/Reply.

Open Team - No creator
This team is meant for open play. Use whatever you have, as long as you are following the above rules.

Member interests: many.

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