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This makes sense: a 12-year-old girl was kicked off her basketball team for ... being a girl. Apparently, the other players' parents didn't discriminate on the basis of gender until they realized Jaime Nared would routinely make their sons look like Scott Howard before he learned to harness his awesome powers.

Nared stand over 6 feet tall and initially was encouraged to join the all-boys league.
"[The parents of the other teams' players] were great ... until she blocked the first shot. Then they were like, 'Hey, we don't want this big kid coming out and making us look bad,'" said Michael Abraham, Jaime's coach.

After parents complained, The Hoop, a private league that organizes the games, told Jaime she could no longer play with the boys, citing a rule that bars mixed-gender teams.
Yes, because God forbid a kid with no discernible basketball talent gets embarrassed by a kid with gobs of ability. I suspect this has very little to do with the players -- 12-year-olds have a pretty high humiliation threshold -- and everything to do with athletically frustrated parents trying to "keep the dream alive!" through their kids. Solid.

Nared's teammates have written letters to the league, but the The Hoop is unwilling to budge. In a statement to ABC News, the league office said "It stands by its decision to not change the rules of their spring league while in process."

Nared had played with the team for more than a year, but now, because of some arbitrary ruling, the league is unwilling to consider reinstating her because the spring league is in progress? Ingenious. Good to see politics has infiltrated 12-year-old private basketball league's in Oregon.

Whatever, even though Nared has yet to enter high school, she's already been offered a scholarship to Oregon State. I eagerly await The Hoop's efforts to shoot down those dreams.