I've never intentionally duped a weapon, or traded for a weapon that I knew was duped. I just choose not to play with those items.

However, the other week, I was being kind to some newbies, (giving them the guns I had outgrown) and the high level player they were with gave me a c-bringer's rifle. I asked the guy if it was duped and he said no, so I took it.

I used it for the first time the other day, and although it was nice to have a gun that WASN'T a rifle or shotgun, I couldn't shake the suspicion that it might be duped.

I haven't played PSO in about 2 weeks, and haven't been keeping up with the board chatter, so I'm not sure what the truth is on all the server changes.

Can I log on and somehow find out if it's duped?

If I log on with a duped gun, what happens?

Will it affect my character or file if I'm found to have duped items?

I want to test this gun to see if it's legit. If it isn't, I'll just cash it out. If it is, I'd like to start using it.

any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks.