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    Pirate Duman ChaosAngel92's Avatar
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    Default PSP Expansion anyone?

    (wall of text comes, be warned!)

    I really hope, this doesn't take too long.
    Anyway, I got PSP about, what? 2 weeks ago.
    First of all I want to write my thoughts about the game.

    (Skip to[*] if you want to go directly to the question)

    PSP has brought me the enjoyness, the epicness and the fun that PSU has never brought me in 2 years.
    I'm pretty happy to see how the game was "transformed" into the PSO stylish.
    Some users may have problem with it, but bare with me, also lets face it. With this new set of game, taking out the room feature, the synth and etc, the game got less ambitious than PSU was. In result, they added the fun we wanted and what we have been asked since we first tried PSU and we said "what in the name of...?". You maybe ask, why I say "we". I have asked to much people indeed, and I can DARE to say it much of them feel like im describing. If its not the case, please someone correct me.

    So, PSP for me was like a revelation. I love it, I enjoy it, and I can't leave my house without my PSP ready to rock whenever I am with my new pair of flashy twin handguns. Everyone comes near and say "Oh my gosh, what are you playing?" to what I answer "My virtual drug."

    Congrats to Alpha Systems, and the team of PSO BB who were behind of PSP.
    Now, not everything is charm, joyness and hapiness. What boring it would turn.
    Why I say this? Well there is just a couple of things I dislike of PSP, of course, nothing that does not allow me to play and enjoy.

    There is just one thing that it can annoy me a bit, and it the level cap. Of course I know, the game it was not designed to be a mayor multi mega million multiplayer rpg. By that, the value of replay of the game is not that ambitious as PSU is.
    But I don't know, you guys tell me, am I crazy or the game is actually short? Yeah, it can take you a couple of time to get your desired weapon (currently I'm hunting the Soul Banish) but the EXP along the MP runs out pretty quickly, making the mission pretty easy and actually without a reason to S rank it.

    So, lets say you get your weapon, you cool outfit, and finally you look like the rip-off Sephiroth copy you always wanted to be. COOL! Now what?
    Yeah, the download content is cool, is magnificent actually. And I don't know you guys, but Gemaga (or whatever is the way of spell it) Dungeon was quite hard for me at first. Trying to S rank it with a lvl 7 Mastergunner and base lvl 74, you can imagine the result.
    But as I said, your "inspiration" for S rank it is gone, since everything form here and there is capped.

    Now OK! I know it, its the tragic ending of most games such as PSU/PSP is. I just want to make that tragedy comes a little further that I'm reaching too.
    Of course, its is probably a little early to even think about a new game/expansion on the PSP. There are a lot of weapons unreleased, such as the long awaited Double Cannon. And hell, why am I even talking about this? THERE ISN'T EVEN A North America VERSION STILL!
    The Ps3 is releasing a system to play the PSP online (that sounds like no more hacked PSP's), and at least for me, I haven't even played multiplayer with no one ever. (Nor do I want to hit the xlink thingy due to lots of hacked weps, I don't want to spoil my fun)
    But who knows, I just want to start supositions about how many Sonic Team or the PSU franchise are going to rely on the Portable Series.

    Now lets picture the following scenario. Hard times are about to come for the PSU Franchise. Just to think that PSZ is around the corner makes the japanese guys (and those who are already importing it) piss on their pants. Now that is even an animation and a theme song, I bealive everyone jumped from excitment from their chair when they sawed that.
    Why all this? Well as I said, hard times are about to come, and If the PSU franchise does not pull well its going to be remembered as the "Phantasy Star Mistake".
    What will happen? I say the following: "If and only IF" PSZ turns out to be the "oh so long awaited rebirth" of PSO, Sonic Team is not going to take much in design something for the PC and the new gen consoles. Then PSU is going down, and probably they will keep it in the unique place where it has actually worked, namely, PlayStation Portable.

    The population is going down, really down. And I'm not talking about North America and Europe cause all who is reading this knows that our situation is due the bad administration of Sonic Team of America.
    I'm talking about japan. Japanese people is going to make a mayor quitting because of PSZ, and the strings for PSU are going to be pulled by the top leaders of the project.


    So are we interested in an expansion? Count me in! Any expansion would be great, or any other game alike. Say, in the story we play while the Episode 2 was running. How about now PSP2 with a side-story from the Episode 3? How about the counter part! You are not a guardian anymore, you are an Illuminus soldier who betrays them and you turn into a guardian such as Orson did? Hell why not! Episode 1 from PSO in PSP?
    Note that I'm not asking for upgrades, I'm not asking for new arts, new techs. Nah nah, nothing of that, just some more story, more level caps in all, probably a few more weps/clothes and stuff like that.
    Come one, I mean the Monster Hunter franchise hitted the second portable game. PSP even killed it in terms of selling. This will sound a bit annoying to some but, if Monster Hunter can survive on portable, why not Phantasy Star Universe ? People complains about PSU beign stucked in the same place because of the release on PS2. So you know what? Lets leave it stucked then! On portable releases!

    Oh yeah, by the love of god everyone. This is not a rant, this is not an essay, and this is not a complain. Is just a question, A SIMPLE QUESTION! So please I beg if someone is going to flame about what it is writted here, take their codes, and leave. I know it can be pretty anoyying what I write, and I accept it. But please, for the sake and sanity of PSOW lets keep it clean ok?
    Last edited by ChaosAngel92; Nov 18, 2008 at 09:10 PM.

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