I am REALLY psyched about this game! Its my #1 most wanted game of all time and I personally prioritize this over any ODST or Modern Warfare thingamajigs. I have been following this game for two years and my wait will hopefully be rewarded on it's release day(I say hopefully because I saw what happened to Too Human :/). If you are not in the know then let me summarize: Borderlands is going to be a Role Playing Shooter being developed by the gaming gods at gearbox. I say Role Playing Shooter(RPS) because it blends the two genres together(like mass effect or fallout kind of) but this game strives to be different by actually starting from the shooter genre and then adding the RPG elements. Let me summarize how this game uses both these genres:
First Person Shooter: This is the Genre this game mainly branches from. It has many of the shooter standbys including sprinting, iron sighting, head shots, vehicles, and the guns. By far the most impressive aspect of borderlands is it's built in AI called the "gearbuilder", which builds the guns for them. It came up with over 17 million guns which is more guns than any shooter on the 360, PS3, and Wii combined. It comes up with some crazy shit from a shotgun that shoots wave-like bullets that bounce on the ground or a machine gun that rapid fires grenades. It will feel very natural to people who play halo or call of duty.
Role Playing Game: This is the secondary genre that is in this game but that doesn't mean it isn't deep. There are four character classes including a Infantry, Tank, Hunter, and Siren(mage) and each have their own branching skill trees to max out. Other things include leveling up, elemental attributes(fire, lighting, corrosive, and explosive) for weapons, three skill tree category for each character with two subcategory for each category which grants numerous attributes and bonuses, and of course the loot. If you all love PSO(which I assume is why you are here) and Diablo games then this game will satisfy your loot whore inside you. The world is open too with tons of monsters ranging from regular to "badass" which is this game form of "elite monsters"(for example: an enemy can be be called a "badass flaming bandit" which is a powerful bandit who indeed is on fire) and the enemy's are procedurely generated a bit like the weapons.

The game will also feature 4 player online co-op(2 player split screen as well) which allows you to dungeon crawl together. I can't wait for this game, its honestly the ONLY game that is actually not playing it safe that is coming out this year and it is coming in....
12 days

Here are some videos:

What do you guys think of this? Amazing right?