Ok guys, i was just wondering what bothered people the most about the 10 meseta ultra rares of the game. I Know for me i dont mind have no percents, and im not too upset if i dont get an element either because 99 percent of those weps have set elements anyway. I think what pisses me off the most is not even getting a PA with a weapon. Example I've done the sh valley like 50 times and i've only found 1 riverman missouri, well those suckers are blank, no element, no PA. haven't gotten one since, may not get any others. Same thing with the white disaster i found, its blank. Now if the weapons are that hard to find they should have at least a set PA. i can deal with no percents and an unchangable element to me is useless unless its good to begin with. so if certain 10 meseta rares are programed to come with A certain PA why not just do it for all of them.