Quote Originally Posted by Untamed Dragoon View Post
lol.....i find this insulting.....
Sega: Hey everyone! were giving you all the edel items now! Enjoy! *wink wink*
PSU Community: Yay! Thanks sega!
Sega: Enjoy it while you can cause we are taking it all back on the 31st of March!
PSU Community: Ok I will....wha? O.O?
Sega: Don't worry you can play with all of it until we take it all away.
PSU Community: Wait....your taking it all away?! O.O?!
Sega: Don't be sad, we will make sure that all your weapons, items, and Data are all deleted from the server completely, so you won't remember having any of it to begin with.
PSU Community: Wha....? What?! O.O! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Deleted*
Segac: Looks like it was a sucess....
Sega: Yes......with all this money that we got from those players....we can rule the world!
Segac: Yes!
This made me chuckle

Weren't the Edel weapons supposed to come before the final story missions, Temple of Traps, Security Breach, etc?