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Thread: Freakin' IMs

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    Default Freakin' IMs

    Don't message me right away. I didn't sign in expecting an IM from you, I was hoping someone I like more chats with me first. Plus, more attractive people have priority over you.

    If I don't reply, don't assume I'm ignoring you (although I might, or might just be afk). And especially don't keep IMing me! If I didn't respond to your initial greeting, and then the "???" or "are u there?" then chances are I'm not responding right away. I definetely won't respond if I see this:

    "u there?"
    (5 mins later)
    "r u ignoring me? "
    (30 seconds later)
    "how r u"
    "u must be busy"
    (10 minutes later)
    "you dont want to talk to me {{name}} "

    {infinite loop}

    WTF people. What if I'm taking a shit or something? Damn. I also have the TV on most of the time.

    One particular person on my list happens to be very insecure and sometimes continues with messages like:

    "why must everyone ignore me"
    "i guess you don't like me that much"
    "i must be boring"

    Even when we start a conversation:

    DepressedMoFo: "Hey, havent seen you in a while" (because I block him every now and then)
    LilOlMe: "Yeah, I've been busy" (not RLY)
    DepressedMoFo: "How are you? "
    LilOlMe: "Pretty good, nuffin new. Youuu?"
    DepressedMoFo: "Same shit..."

    EVERY SINGLE TIME HE IMS ME. WTF? Then have a strawberry milkshake and cheer the f***k up! I can't continue a conversation just talking about me!

    And I especially hate the people who IM *ME* first and then take forever to reply. When you IM me, I get the impression you have time to talk. Its a different story if I initiate the conversation, because you aren't entitled to continue the conversation.

    So don't do this:

    FicklePerson: "Heey"
    LilolMe: "Hii hii"
    (5 minutes later)
    LilolMe: "?"
    (7 minutes later)
    FicklePerson: "wats up"
    LilolMe: "Not much, you?"
    (8 minutes later)
    *I close conversation*
    (5 minutes later)
    FicklePerson: "nm. what are you up to?"

    I MEAN PLEASE PEOPLE. Its like real life. If someone is takin a dump, you don't stand outside the door and keep trying to talk with em. And if they randomly watch TV, you don't try to interrupt them. And if you come up to someone, you should try to withhold the conversation, otherwise why come up to them in the first place? And please, most people can't reply to certain things like "I'm depressed" or "I want to die".
    Last edited by unicorn; Mar 11, 2010 at 07:48 PM.

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