So I'm sitting here, doing some thumbnails for a client while drinking some 4Loko (awful stuff) and I'm wondering-

-what do the rest of you folks drink? I drink on a fairly regular schedule, preferably once ever 2-3 days depending on my work schedule, and socially as well of course. I prefer nicer beers like Stella Artois or Samuel Adams (Dark Lagers are a great thing) but due to my current economic situation (student loans and their ilk) I tend to drink more "economically" based fluids, such as, the aforementioned horse-piss that is 4loko, or even when especially desperate, cheap rum and coke. If I have some extra time, then it's Miller, which is probably the best tasting beer I can think of that you can get for under 10 bucks for a twelve pack.

So, theres a fairly in-depth idea of what I do when drinking, what about the rest of you?