When I saw this I did something I haven't done in a long time.....I actually screamed for freakin joy, I only got onboard PSO during it's original Xbox days, but even that brought about great times with interesting people.

I loved trading around for items (legit ones) knowing the approximate value of weapons across the board, meeting up with random schlomoes the world over and just chatting, it's strange to be asked how you like your country or what it's like living in the US and hearing the other persons description about the place they live.

All and all PSO was the most civil Multiplayer game I had EVER played, just short of the odd late night runs on Midtown Madness 3 while playing Hunter matches.

I can't wait for more info to be released on this, just hope that the PC version has better support for a controller than PSU had while it was on PC.