NOTE: This is meant to be a parody of shitty Video Game creepypastas. So if you see grammar errors and mis spells, that's the point. Also wrong information on the game as well. Enjoy! Also took me 10 minutes to think up of this terrible story.

I really liked Phantasy Star Online. When I heard Phantasy Star Universe was coming out, I was excited. Bought it and was disapointed. I didn't play
a PS game ever since but I heard Phantasy Star Portable 2 was really good but didn't have much money. Meanwhile when I was walking home from school
a guy shouts to me "Hey yo come here" I go to him and he has a table of stuff. He has a lot of video games. They look like bootlegs but I saw
the coverart of Phantasy Star Portable 2 and was $5. Since I have that money I quickly bought it. I was looking at the case and the coverart
looks like it was printed off. I was afraid it was a bootleg. I get home to play it and opened the case. The UMD didn't have a logo, it just had
"PSP2" written on it. I ignored it and played. I make my character and the weird thing is that all the faces that I can have look so sad and depressed.
I picked one, my clothes, and other shit. I named my Human "EvilMag" and started the adventure. Here's where it gets weird. I was watching a
playthough of PSP2 eariler and when you start a character you start at Chapter 1 but I start at Clad 6 but with no music. There is nobody anywhere,
not even the shop people. I went in the Little Wing room and saw no one was there as well. I go to my room and I see Emilia at my window. I tried
talking to her and didn't do anything. Then when I try to leave, text comes in the middle of screen saying "Please, don't leave me..." After that
disapperers, the My Room song plays but in reverse. I went to Emilia and was able to talk to her. Her picture had red eyes and looks like she is
crying. She says, "Leave please." I thought that it was some bootleg glitch. I go start a mission and see that it has the DLC missons but translated.
I was shocked! I start up Gemaga since it is an awesome quest. I start it up and instead of saying "Gemaga mission start!" It says, "Go back!"
Thought it was a glitch. I talk to the NPCs to see what they say. One says, "One person died here. His name was Kraz. That demon Shizuru murdered him
and stabbed him." I start up the mission and get my ass handed. When I went back to Clad 6, eventhing was red. Clad 6's music was playing in reverse
but sounds more demonitc. I wanted to go to my room to get the fuck out of this creepy madhouse. I go in then a textbox comes up and says "No"
I tried going to Little Wing room and it was all red. I see Kraz was there. tried talking to him and nothing comes up. His stil picture looks like
he is dead. Then I said "it's his dead body" I see Ursela behind me and looks like a Saber is though her. I tried talking to her but failed. I try
to leave to get the fuck out of here but Emilia appears and says "Please, join us." Then her stil picture disappears and I hear a gunfire. She shot
herself. I was in tears. She was just a young girl who was treated like shit from Kraz. I tried explaining my friend the issue so we both hopped online
on PSP2 and he made a game but I couldn't see it. All the room names were just "You're dying" So I told him "i'll create the room" Once I create
the room, I die in Clad 6. The Challege failed music plays in reverse for 5 minutes. It then loads me to a Tombstone at Otori Castle with the music
playing in reverse but demontic. After waiting to see what happened, text comes in the middle of the screen saying "R.I.P EvilMag" So then I said
" tombstone. I'm dead, i'm really dead." I turned off the game, took the UMD and threw it in a fire. Never again will I play this cursed