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    Default PSO 10th Contest Announcement

    PSO 10th Anniversary Memorial Contest
    Dates: October 9th- December 21st 2011

    In order to celebrate Phantasy Star Online's 10th anniversary, PSO-World is holding a Fan Art and Fan Fiction contest! You are asked to to remember and share the greatest, most memorable moment you had while playing any iteration of Phantasy Star Online. Read below to see the contest details, submission deadlines, and rules.

    Memorial Illustration Contest:
    Description: Can you snapshot your greatest, or your character's greatest Phantasy Star Online moment?
    * Submissions can make use of the following tools: Pencils, markers, pastels, watercolor, Photoshop, Paintool SAI, Sculptures, 3D programs, and so on.
    * Screenshots will not be allowed in this category.

    Literary Memorial Contest
    Description: Can you describe is words, your greatest moment from the viewpoint of your Phantasy Star Online character?
    * Retell your story; like it was their very own epic. In a short story format (around 3000-5000 words)
    * Retell your story; like if it were a ballad of a true hero. In a poetic format

    Submission Process:
    All entries must be submitted via private message to Sayara by Dec. 21st 11:59:59 PST (2:59:59 AM EST). If you are submitting an image, be sure to send us a link to the location where the is hosted! If you are submitting a short story, just copy and paste the entry into the Private Message. Be sure to include a title for your submission!

    Judging Process:
    Winners for each contest will determined through two methods, a panel of judges and fan gallery vote.

    Judges Vote
    A panel of three non-biased judges will select the top three quality entries in each category. Quality will be determined based on concept and execution of the piece.

    Fan Gallery Vote
    Once the submission period has ended, special galleries will be setup - one for each category. users will then have the chance to vote for their favorite piece in each category. The winner for a particular category will be the piece with the largest number of votes. Once voting has finished and a winner has been determined, the results will be posted.

    For each category, separate prizes be handed out for the Judges and Fan Gallery vote. The prizes will vary depending on where you place.

    • Illustration Contest - Judges Vote
      1. Phantasy Star Online Art Book OR Kotobukiya Elenor Model Kit, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      2. Rappy T-Shirt , Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      3. Rappy Armband and Custom Avatar
    • Illustration Contest - Fan Gallery Vote
      1. Phantasy Star Online Art Book OR Kotobukiya Elenor Model Kit, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      2. Rappy T-Shirt, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      3. Rappy Armband
    • Literary Contest - Judges Vote
      1. Phantasy Star Online Book of Hunters, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      2. Rappy T-Shirt , Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      3. Rappy Armband and Custom Avatar
    • Literary Contest - Fan Gallery Vote
      1. Phantasy Star Online Book of Hunters, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      2. Rappy T-Shirt, Rappy Armband, and Custom Avatar
      3. Rappy Armband

    • You must be a registered PSO-World member to enter these contests.
    • Users may only submit one entry in each contest. This means you can have one written entry and one drawn entry.
    • Entries must not contain personally identifiable information or watermarks. You are allowed to add this information after the voting period ends.
    • Entries must comply with the forum rules. Remember to keep your entries rated PG-13 or under.
    • Material that has been previously posted on PSO-World or published on a third party site is not eligible for entry. Let's keep the material brand new!

    Q: What happens if a user wins two prizes? For example: The 1st Fan Gallery and 3rd Place Judge
    A: The member will always win the best prize available to them - with the first place Judge's vote being the top grand prize. In this particular example, the user would receive the 1st Place Fan Gallery vote prize.

    Q: Will entries like Comics, Limericks, or Haikus be permitted?
    A: They will generally be frowned upon but will be considered for your one entry.

    Q: You don't want watermarks on images... but what about fanfiction? Am I allowed to use my name in the story?
    A: "By" lines are not allowed. However, if your character shares the same name as your character, you are allowed to use it in a story

    Voting Galleries
    At this time; the galleries are now open and ready for voting! Please follow the instructions on both pages and choose which entry is the most awesome!

    To the participants, after the Jan 1st deadline feel free to resubmit your entries with signatures to be added to the fan-art gallery.
    Last edited by Ryna; Jan 2, 2012 at 03:38 PM.

    "It looks cool this way, let's stop."

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