hello everyone i just hade one quick question about sega and pso.This problem resulting in the exploitation of a mass dupe bug reminds me so much of,the problem that was killing sonys PS2 game EQOA=Everquest Online Adventures.My point is that pso much like EQOA has characters stored on to the memory card,and when you connect to the inet in order for everyone to see the same thing at the same time the game runs off the server not the cd disc anymore.Anyway the way that Sony fixxed this problem is by during a massive monster skill rebalancing.so those super strong weapons where now just as weak as the normal weapons where.they increased monster damage and hp.I am hoping that since sega went ahead and just gave everyone the oppurtunity to recieve duped photonsperes and create 100% weapons.Maybe they are going to also do a skill rebalancing.does anyone else think that this is possible ??
or everyone is just SOL from here on out.It sure would be great to recive such a great gift like the players of Diablo 2 are going to recieve in the upcoming ver 1.10 patch.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: eXo on 2003-06-26 15:01 ]</font>