Ok we tried the beta and the alpha and we all Know that Sega is working on new thing for the game once its release in Japan and we all know that everyone gonna get there hand on the game once come out. BUT for how long gonna last really. I am not 100% sure about this and I don't have no Idea how this gonna play out. but question is in minds and many people may debate on this subject or Agree with this subject. And think what are your true motives are about PSO2.

WHAT IF Sega made a decision be international ? or go back there old ways

when does come to a point ? would you say YES in the matter if was true or false If all players from all over the world can share the same server and language on pso2 for example like in the game of Final Fantasy XI Online where they do coexist and interact one another. We know how the Japanese players feel about us coming to there games. but problem with us we don't care and we do what must be done just play good game of Phantasy star.

Now don't be jerk and just state your true feeling about this and comment or share your Ideas about pso2 and what you think about all this. will you stay in the Japanese side play there game or you gonna let Sega make the same mistake like they did with psu for the xbox/ps2/pc

this my opinion ok :

I think that Sega of Japan should not hire or will not aloud Sega of America run the PSO2 at all. I think that Sega of Japan should run the show and only hire GM from there Company. No offense to the American people but we are lazy people went come to a jobs like this one or any job we deal with . there a lot prof how many lazy the employees working for Sega company in North America. But this my opinion and how I truly feel about this.