Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
That's really a shame. I like how it will let you know if another player is nearby so that you can join up with them and the concept of playing through other players sounds like it could be fun, but my only experience was the other night when I accidentally joined up with a random and then quit because I was really only planning on playing for about twenty minutes.
Not to say all of them are bad, there are some people that recently bought the game due to another price drop. I find these people to be more outgoing and not so determined to just kill zombies and actually help do the missions. There are also a ton of bugs and glitches that were never ironed out, like the current dupe glitch which involves blowing yourself up and another that requires a automatic rifle or a chainsaw for weapons.

Other than that, there is a small amount of hidden unlockables, like the Developers Mods, which give you items that have a 75% chance of happening, for example Mind Blowing Military Knife has a 75% chance of causing an Infected or Walkers head to just pop. Outside of these fun little mods, there isn't anything that could keep your attention to the game, unless you're really into killing a bunch of zombies in hopes that it'll drop the best sharp weapon in the game.