Quote Originally Posted by Blackheart521 View Post
You really don't think they'll add more skills as the level cap increases? Guaranteed that there will be corresponding skills for each of the other elements on the force tree and weapons for Hunter, more Bullet attacks are likely for Ranger, plus they already said they planned it so you won't be able to get every skill, it'd be stupid if everyone ended up the same
Hunters have the least point investment required for their skills, and it also seems that the weapon gears are exclusive to them. Even when they add more gears for new weapons, those skills will only cost 1 more skill point per.

Based on what we have in the trees right NOW:

Hunter: 157 points needed
Ranger: 173 points needed
Force: 192 points needed

I'm pretty sure there won't be more than 33 new melee weapons coming into the game. But maybe they plan on linking something beyond the gears to further improve the specialization of your weapons. Who knows.

Also, I don't think that the skill tree will evolve that much just because of increasing level cap since there are already over 150 points you could possibly spend.

If skill trees do change, it will be because of new weapons and spells coming into the game.

That being said, force is probably going to have the hardest choice to make since I don't see anything in ther tree for grants or megid, and I want to assume those spells are still in the game.

I just feel that constant modifications to the talent tree will end up becoming a big hastle. If big changes are made to talent trees, then that pretty much calls for a SP reset everytime they change the trees. It doesn't seem practical to me.

But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.