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    Default I will Never beat this game.

    So I totally loved Demon's Souls and was super excited for the spiritual successor Dark Souls. However, I think the gods are some how intervening to make sure I never beat this game or that I perpetually play it, fruitlessly trying to beat it.

    So as some of you may or may not know I'm in the military. When Dark Souls was first released I was in Florida for some training. I had pre-purchased the special edition off of amazon months ago. However it was to be delivered to my home on record at New Jersey. So unless you have a permanent place of residence off base, it's usually a hassle getting mail in the military. I eventually received my copy about a month later. I was thoroughly enthralled with the game, I would have to put it down for extended periods of time due to field ops training and a lot of moving around. Somehow during my last move my PS3 was damaged and was no longer able to do anything.

    I send it in to sony to get it repaired and also lose all saved data on my harddrive.
    Oh well, I say to myself I'm pretty familiar with what I'm doing in that game. Shouldn't be too hard to get to where I last left off. Finally today I was just about 2 bosses shy from where I left off previously and lo and behold we randomly lose all power on base. When the power finally comes back on I find out that my saved file is corrupted and needs to be deleted.

    WHAT!?WHY!? I say to myself. I was totally mad bro. Now I'm just feeling vexxed. In a couple of weeks I'll be heading to Japan and totally won't be able to beat the game by that time. Guess I'll just have to wait till I get to Japan before I can beat it.
    Last edited by AC9breaker; Oct 13, 2012 at 06:43 PM.

    "Brotherhood asked for no friendship, only loyalty. They stood back to back as the galaxy burned - always brothers, never friends; traitors together unto the last."

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