Hey, I wonder why I never thought to ask, and I've always been sort of curious and this I think would be the best place to ask but...I'm really curious how many of you are still around that I actually might have known at the time while I was leveling to 200.

How many of you are Antares-8 veterans from PSO GC?

Also...way back in that day...and it's a total long shot that anyone might remember this...but there was a different forum that we used for the "Ant-8 gang".

I could have sworn it was something like "brinstar.org". It was a simple, peer-created message board where those of us who had got invited to register just talked about the going ons of pso or our Ant-8 experiences. Pal'd around. It was a dark, black and red themed message board (I can barely remember). Does anybody remember this?

Does anybody remember DARK, the humar who grinded to 200 in (I think it was) 2 weeks by spamming TTF 24 hours a day? And then he did the same with a HUCast! Then he started leveling a Fonewman!

SNK being afk at the top of the counter every day, all day. I ended up finally getting to run a ton of C-mode with him and he helped me with several Bu-Ei's.

Tamahome and his RAcaseal wife/girlfriend (I forgot her name uuuuugh).

The first day the neis claw got mass duped thanks to a ramar who's name I can't remember...he just went to Vega and did the deed.

IG Nugz FSODing and becoming Sonic/Tails.

SSJ Goku spam?

Am I alone in remembering these things?!