Okay so my old art thread is full of broken links and deleted pictures so I simply decided to make a new one. I kind of got attached to the title even though a lot of people may not agree with me about me "phailing" hahah. Lately I had that deep urge to draw PS related things again, although for now I just have two sketches I've done. (One is quite old though, from February.)

Freux Neige

Basically Fanart to that cool outfit. I really liked it a lot so I decided to draw the dude in it who was on the concept art for that outfit! Nothing really interesting hahah. Sorry for the awful quality, this is the one from February.

Chara Sketch

A quick sketch that I did of my PSO2 character! I felt like just doing a simple mug shot because I'm not quite skilled when it comes to draw mecha armour hahah. But I'm practising.