I like how everyone is completely ignoring the justification for skipping on Katana Combat.

KC is amazing, it increases your katana damage, it speeds up your attacks with the katana, it helps you approach enemies with the katana, and it does a ton of damage to a lot of targets so long as you're using a katana.

But if the katana sucks, then KC sucks. Similarly if you like the katana, KC will be your favorite skill outside of Katana Gear.

Or even if you DO use the katana, it has PAs that can already deal with mobs without a long cooldown, and other weapons have spammable mob clearing PAs as well. If that's the case, then KC is best used on a boss, but you're locked into using the katana for up to 20s before you can use the finisher. In that time, some other weapon could be doing better total single target damage. So says Z-0, anyway.