Now that I actually have a bit of time to sit down and think That vacation was far too long..., I suppose it's time to stop being a snob and start actually replying to my fanbase.

Quote Originally Posted by yoshiblue View Post
Twas pretty good. Was also funny to imagine the Zoras speaking in a biblical manner. Opens up for an interesting story.
Luckily, I'm saving the biblical manner for heaven and, specifically, God. There's no way I could write like that all the time. Plus, looking back at it, I can barely tell I actually did it. It barely looks any different than my normal writing.

Quote Originally Posted by Puppet_Papaya View Post
The dialogue is considerably thoughtful, as though you chose each word carefully. So far I'm very intrigued. I don't mind if there are no major conflicts, I'd be content in just exploring this world.
So far, that seems to be my only strength. For now, I'm glossing over characters, since we only have one important character, and the second isn't even born yet. Not to mention, in the sets for most of what I'm writing, I don't even have anything in mind. I'm not even going to try to tell you guys what heaven's like, and I have no idea what a living alien planet would look like. So I have terrible character development, character interaction, dialogue, story telling... Pretty much the only thing I have going for myself is that I can talk fancy.

I'm glad the effort I'm putting in to the story (at least that first chapter that you read when you wrote this) is evident. I tend to go over what I write about five times to make sure I'm telling the reader everything he should have learned from this chapter.

Quote Originally Posted by o0Kais0o View Post
An angel willing to leave the presence of their god because of their curiosity about the universe. Yep I'm intrigued
I'm glad I was able to portray the general plot of the story in the first chapter. This, right here, is pretty much Zorael's personality and motivation in a nut shell. So if I was able to give that impression right off the bat, then I did a good job.

Quote Originally Posted by o0Kais0o View Post
I can't help but feel Zorael is getting in over his head, I like the way this is turning out.
He's okay. He can figure things out. He's a smart omnipotent spirit.