I read a couple reviews on the game that were made late 2012. In the reviews they said things like the game was much easier than its predecessor PSO, that weapon upgrades are almost pointless because of how easy it is to deal large amounts of damage. It also said that hunters/fighters were underpowered while forces/techers get faceroll towards the end, dealing massive damage at a range with little more threat of death than hunters who attack in melee.

I just started playing PSO2 and I am a lvl 14 force, and I see where the review has a point. Unlike in PSO I can go through an entire area by spamming one or two different techniques without even coming close to danger. Enemy attacks are predictable and easily avoid with the dodge ability, and enemies are easily outrun.

Is the game too easy, does the difficulty go up a few notches as you get higher in level and face higher level monsters?

These are the two player reviews I read, the ones at the top by jbmonture and knightmaresin: http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/606336-ph...line-2/reviews