Quote Originally Posted by gigawuts View Post
I haven't watched the stream (won't be able to for a while - those voices anyway, ugh) but based on what I've read...

It sounds like we take the system we already have and add a whole new form of customizations onto it - what affixes should have been all along. These will be stats of actual consequence. Instead of power III, an extend code will make a weak weapon actually strong. Allclass stats, etc. (edit: hopefully allclass, and not multiclass, or maybe classes will be grouped by category [close quarters for hu/fi/br/te/gu for instance])

It also sounds like this success being guaranteed thing is what I've been saying since day 1: Allow us to guarantee our minimum requirements, then add more bonuses on top of that. The game will shift to this being standard procedure, and instead of trying for soul/stat3/statboost/ability3 with 100/100/100/80, players will try for I don't know let's say allclass/extend/randombonus at 100/100/80 to get a nice offensive boost. Just like Ability 3 some players will take what they get; others will try again. The key difference is how costly being able to attempt it in the first place will be, and that price not being based on your luck of the day.

That raises the real question: What happens if you fail? Do you need to reset the whole pot to expand slots like affixes? Please say no. Can you add on a slot without even touching your other things? Please say yes. Do the bonuses from other existing customizations still apply even in a second session? Please say yes. These are the questions that will make or break this system. Things like allclass and extending codes will shift equilibrium so they become standard, but not having to deal with going from 3->4 slots and dumping your handful of <100% transfer rate affixes purely based on dice rolls to do it will really make it.
I thought I read that you could NOT fail?