Hi I been keeping track on the PSU General Section for the pass 2 days now. I made a lot report of this spam bot that come and put spamming adverting on PSU general topics right now and the Spam Bot goes by different name HeySusi. the spam bot keep finding way to keep coming and attacking are PSU General discussion and I did made a lot of report with the report button. but its seem that its not working . some how he keep coming no matter how may time I report it. Can any Moderator please take the time look into this manner. and keep them from coming in ?

if I was a moderator I would take action ASAP. but I don't have that kind of writes to do so. but its keep coming back with a different name every time I report them u can find the Spam bot located here http://www.pso-world.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=26