Quote Originally Posted by Xaeris View Post
Personally, I could deal with the crummy drop rates if not for one thing: lack of trading. As it is now, most (nearly all) of the crap that drops in an UQ is going to be straight up useless to me. I may play many classes, but the resources that go into getting a 12* or a 13* up to snuff make it impractical to use one for a class I only occasionally dick around on. So it's somewhat demotivating to know that even if I do get something worth a damn, it won't likely be something that I give a damn about. If it had some purchasing power at least, then it could at least be exciting to know that the whole zone is filled with potential.

You're really bad at quitting, Z-0. (notsrs)
This is something I've thought about as well. The thing is, while there are exceptions, and thingsa player can logically be expected to do on their own own, a big part of the reason extremely rare random drops work in online games is BECAUSE it encourages interplayer trading.