Hey you guys just getting worry about this issue I am having from the trend that I have seen in the Phantasy star games; a start and a beginning.

Phantasy star online was the first to take the game to a whole new stage with a level cap of 200 and weapons going up to 10 stars

then came Phantasy star Universe with the same 200 levels and weapons that go up to 15 stars

then came portable for phantasy star online and infinite which used the level 200 formula and weapons that reach to 16 stars

Now Phantasy star online 2 has a/(was) max level of 75 soon going to be 80 and the weapons are already reaching level 13 stars.

does this mean in the next 2 or 3 years the level of weapons will reach to 15 stars or more and units as well?

And how shall Phantasy star online 2 continue the game process when 15 stars weapons are introduce at (say) level 100. I'm guessing at level 100 because it seems unlikely that 14 or 15 stars are going to be introduce at level 200 because that would be a long wait.

I would guess the game might end after level 100 has been achieved and 15 stars are introduced afterwords; perhaps 1 year of having game online then shut it down and build a whole new project called Phantasy star online 3.

and building the whole game back up to 1 star weapons with new features.

Would this this sound likely going to happened and would it be disappointing?

just some worries.

Thanks for reading