Quote Originally Posted by Flatflyer View Post
I feel like if Phantom was slightly higher damage than other classes average it'd be fine since the amount of effort required into optimizing Phantom feels much greater than most other classes, ideally this would probably be achieved with excellent Mark/Phantom Time management
Maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't find phantom difficult to play at all, even compared to hero. Marks and phantom time are both super straightforward, you pop marks as soon as they max and you use phantom time whenever you're sure you'll have good uptime. The PAs are all super straightforward too since there aren't any bonus mechanics on them; it isn't like fighter or hero where you have reasons to combo different PAs, it isn't like ranger where there are a bunch of conditional damage boosts, it isn't like fighter and braver where there are stances, it isn't like force and bouncer where element matching matters, etc., you always just use whatever does the most damage. Katana takes some getting used to because of quick cut, but rifle is better than katana anyway because of its headshot bonus and only uses two PAs.

Though I do agree it needs a bit of a buff.