Quote Originally Posted by Griffin View Post
The problem with your comments is that ya'll assume it's laziness as to why people chose not to play on JP servers. Sure, anybody can watch a video and learn how to install and play. You're right, the concern is whether or not someone wants to risk losing their progress due to an IP block, a concern that has you current JP server players sweatin'.
To be entirely fair, before today's curveball, I'm pretty sure a lot of fans had already long since resigned to either never getting an official localization or just applying the tweaker or whatever and diving in, so for a pretty long time, any notion of lost progress was not something anyone had to worry about regardless. It's going to have been 8 years (a long-ass time) since this game first released when it finally comes out officially here; I just find it kind of surprising that more people never bit the bullet when hope seemed to start fading for a while.

Maybe it's just a matter of wording, because I don't mean to imply some sort of derision towards people who never bothered jumping through captcha and translation hoops. Like I said, I might think it's lazy, but I've grown pretty lazy as I've gotten older anyway. I know I'm not going to bother to consult Google Translate and then get a fake Japanese address AND THEN learn hiragana to pass a captcha AND THEN finally finish making my JP PSO2 account just to finally get to playing the game anymore. Most people really don't have the patience for that, even if it doesn't take that long in reality. It just takes less time to play something else you enjoy instead, which is entirely understandable.