Darth here. I'll try and cut straight to the point. I haven't played this game since PSO for Dreamcast. I'm not good at playing games on PC, never have been, so playing JP simply wasn't an option for me. But I've stayed on top of the little rays of hope Sega has given over the last 8 years and am truly stoked to have this game back in my life.

That being said....I am LOST. I have read guide after guide. Have watch Youtube video after video. So sure I know a good bit. But it's A LOT of info to digest. It's very overwhelming to jump into such an intricate game again while also having a limited amount of hours to play each weekday(about 3-4).

So that leads me to I think my main ask and question for this post. I've read many guides, but most of which are outdated and only confuse me more when there's slight differences in names and wording between NA and JP. The biggest thing I'm struggling with is that I KNOW I'm not using my time efficiently while I am playing. I KNOW I waste so much time, yet I don't know how to remedy this because I have not been able to find a priority guide.

If you had only 3-4 hours a day, how would you prioritize exactly what you do in the game as far as what types of missions first and so on. An actual numbered priority guide saying:
1. Do these missions first everyday always.
2. Finish that then move on to this.

yada yada ya.
I have searched for something like this and I can't find it. I have made a list and have a notebook from videos I've watched of things that I should do everyday. But 4 hours is NOT enough time and then when I'm done I feel unfulfilled like I accomplished nothing because I had no goals. I find myself bouncing around on Client Orders trying to figure out how to fill them. Then trying to find certain monsters for Dailies.

I just feel overwhelmed and lost. I don't like this feeling. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sry if long-winded.