I am gonna talk some more about it but this first word describes it perfectly already.

Two issues with this eq, first being that enemies just up and disappear which is especially annoying with bosses. Seasonal work because at the very end, with obvious timer you can plan around enemies the quest ends and until then it's business as usual.
It's in fact much better than old style mobbing eqs.

But in this quest it's really just annoying, I have no idea why Sega sometimes insists on making the game as frustrating and annoying as possible when it comes to combat.

The other issue is the friggin train, the by far largest non eq boss in the game crammed into tiny area where it clips into walls a lot, though far worse is that it constantly screws up the cam so you can only see close ups of some of its textures and can't really tell wtf is even happening.

Doesn't help that recently (even before lag from people logging in for this eq) lockon is more broken than usual and this makes a boss like the train especially frustrating.