Thank you to tank and others for yet another night of trading. Thanks to Tank, who traded me a second twin brand, I can offer one of my twin brands for trade! I also got a C-Bringer's Rifle last night and a few other goodies:


C-Bringer's Rifle
Magical Piece (for forces this is really something to be seen)
Infernal Bazooka
Twin Brand with NO NEGATIVE percentages and one +25% or +30%-- can't remember)
Photon Claw
Stag Cutlery (red double saber)
Delsaber's Buster
S-Beat Blades
Flame Visit
Mag Cell 502
Soniti LVL 200 special mag (requires using a mag cell) with power around 85, def around 25, dex around 45, mind around 45.
Pitri LVL 150ish special mag (requires using mag cell) which had been feed exclusively trifluids, resulting in def = 30s, MIND = 115ish, dex = 5ish
Cross Scar
Spread Needle (amazing, but I only have one so your offer will have to be equally amazing)
FLOWEN's SHIELD (which complements Flowen's Sword nicely, got off of blue Al Rappy last night in the forest woo hoo)
and other things...

It's getting pretty short--
God/Battle or Devil/Battle
God/Ability or Devil/Ability
Mag cell 203
Delsaber's LEFT arm or shield
Silence Claw (all 0%-0%-0%-0% or better)
Victor Axe (all 0% or better)

Thanks-- My ICQ is 5896613 and I'll leave off the trading terms disclaimer with the understanding that if you trade with me, you implicitly trust me since most of you know me now I've never had a dissatisfied trading partner, yada yada.

-Guardian, ICQ 5896613