My friend who gave me his old V.2 DC PSO is yanking my chain here ... I think. He claims that there's a way to move equip from one char to another while offline. So I could, for example, take the nice (but unequipable) rifle off one char and give it a better home on a different char's vmu.

I don't see it mentioned in the rulebook - and a google gets bogged with results talking about GC offline multiplayer. He says that he found it online somewhere but that's all he recalls.

I'm guessing the answer is that it can't be done - so if that's the case just let me know and I'll happily tell my friend he's full of it tomorrow.

Oh, and it's supposed to be a legit way to do it too - not a cheat. Actually, is it possible he's talking about 'duping' and doesn't know it?

Special Bonus New guy Question: What *is* duping anyways? I've never followed the PSO community online but it's some sort of cheat, correct?

Thanks for any info you can share,