Well I've heard people tell me that GameCube will be reciveing Final Fantasy games. However there is no facts that i've seen anywhere stating this. Now there alot of assholes here that will just say "it's coming" and not give back up details. I would like FF to come to the cube but i don't see it happening for 2 reasons.

1.) Sony owns nearly 40% of Squaresoft from what i'm told, and that they own most of the stock shares or some crap of them. Making Sony a big influence on only developing for them.
2.) Squaresoft screwed over nintendo a while back taking FF7 from the n64 and moving it to the PSX when sony decided to develop the psx.

If anyone can give me some flat out legit reasons why it IS going to come to the cube i'd love to here em =) and give me some info on confirmation =)