Woah, I can't believe my profile and stuff saved. I doubt anyone remembers me, but I used to be around all the time back before the move to planetDC.

I'm thinking of picking up PSO for my Xbox.

I logged 400+ hours into the DC version of PSO. I lost a 300hour, lv100 RAcast to a VMU-eject. I played hours of lobby soccer. In short, I'm a PSO fanboi.

How does the Xbox version compare? Will I enjoy it as much? I don't know if I'm really going to like voice, I very much enjoyed the keyboard, as it ensured a sense of roleplaying. Basically, I don't want to hear a HUnewearl talk in a 50-year-old comic shop owner's voice. Hold the comments, but I also put a few hours in as a FOmarl and HUneweral myself, and enjoyed having people try to figure out if I was really a chick or not. Plus, the age-old online RPG rule came into effect, and I got lots of free gear from other guys

Any other DC players around? Does it live up to the awesome memories I have of PSO? Also, how does naming work with live? Will I have 5 different characters, all named Mindblade?

Thanks for any replies.

Edit: Also, back when I played on DC, there were these weapons that used regular, modern-day ammunition, and the shells would eject out of the barrel and stuff. I can't remember the name, V-something I think. Are they in the Xbox version, and worth using?