step 1: i want a diary for my most cherished private emotions. so that i can have a place to eascape and vent my deepest feelings and secrets.

step 2: i get a livejournal or a blog so that it's easy and i can have this journal diary mechanism i really need to get my emotions out in a secret and private place before i burst and kill everyone. safe from my family and the scrutiny of my friends!!

step 3: oh my god my livejournal is so damn pretty. i'm going to give the link out to friends!! this stuff should be seen!

step 4: well then EVERYONE should see it since it's important and my feelings are important!!

step 5: i advertise it EVERYWHERE so it's public and everyone can read my most private emotions!!! my life is interesting, everyone should read it! comment too since it gives me attention! it's my very own soapbox!

step 6: you haven't read my blog yet? aren't you going to keep up with my life?! well you should!! i share all my feelings there! for everyone to read! so all of you know my secrets!!

step 7: lolli annoys people with publicized private blogs. tee heee

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2004-08-05 17:18 ]</font>