So in all my complaining about how I haven't been able to scan any of my drawings for about... 9 months now, it turns out my roommate's had a scanner all along! I've finally been able to scan in some of these pictures, and though they didn't scan too well (I think it had something to do with the dpi) I can finally put them up.

Of course, this will lead to some PSO work, as I did a Red Ring Rico picture last Christmas that I wanted to put up, but for now, here's the non-PSO artwork (sorry for the low quality of the scans!):

Master Chief, from Halo.

An attempt at drawing a Chozo Battle Suit like Samus' from Metroid Prime.

Whenever I play AD&D with my friends, I always have to sketch out my character. This is a ranger I made at some point.

A character design for a comic I had planned and may actually be able to do. (Perhaps some people remember the guy in blue with the two huge swords that I posted last year? Same concept.) He's supposed to look sort of like a samurai, but I know it's definitely not spot-on.

That samurai character (see above) originated from an AD&D game. For the comic he's going to be in, he went in a completely different direction, but a few months ago I played with the character again and did this sketch. (Note the poor attempt at lensflare!)

Hope you guys like my pencil sketches, despite them being such low quality. It's been a while since I've posted something on these boards that wasn't done in Paint Shop Pro.