I started with a hunter and took the mag, and gave it to my ranger, leveling it to 10 to get


I gave it back to my Hunter, and leveled it to 35, making sure DEX > POW + MIND

it should have turned into

Marutah(PILLA) , which is a hunter only mag

instead, it turned into

Mitra(PILLA), which is a ranger only mag

so now I'm stuck with this fugly mag. In the DC version you could change what mags you got through course of evolution by who you gave it to.

Now it seems whatever class evolves it first will be its class evolution throughout. This sucks =(

I also noticed they changed the HP units

I found a Dragon/HP unit off a nar lily and it gives 40hp.

in DC version it was

Digger/HP = 10
General/HP = 20
Dragon/HP = 30
God/HP = 40

They also left in the menu cheat, whereas you can bypass slowing down from bumping into a ton of floating mine traps, by just having your start menu up. No targeting = no slowing down near a target.

I'm willing to bet they left in the general,devil,god/battle unit bug too; where everytime you go back down to the planet you had to remove the unit and reequip it to get back your weapon haste.

I"m full of complaints today =(