It's night-time in the city
Colorful lights and dashing cars
Homeless people caught up in self-pity
A caos of lights, sounds and stars

I stand still in the fast streams
Of cars, people, sounds and voices
Time is going ahead of me, it seems
Nothing bothers me, be it people or noises

As if the whole world around me
Was only colored in tones of grey
Suddenly, in the middle, I see
Another colored person, facing this way

I can't see a face. Who can that be?
She too is standing still, it seems
In the city resembling a raging sea
Like I was, I wonder what it all means

A busy road separates us from each other
I see that she was looking at me too
Looking around, thinking she meant another
Time was fast for everyone, except for us two

A bus passes by between the two of us
Blocking my view of her, Darned luck
As it drives past, I can't see her because
She seemed to have disappeared. F***.

Oh well. I don't know this even took place
But instead of being caught-up in sorrow
I'll just go back home, at a slow pace
Confident of another oportunity tomorrow.