In PSO on Dreamcast, most team dynamics were well-oiled. Everyone knew their rolke and what needed to be done, which usually made even strenuous situations like Challenge Mode go smoothly.

But after getting spanked by Dark Falz SEVERAL times at level where we SHOULD have taken him, I've realized that a lot of people palying now do NOT know the basic rules of team play, and what needs to be done to work together efficiently.

Here are a few guidelines, in nor particular order. Feel free to add to them.

1. Always always ALWAYS enter a battle prepared: I've had several VERY frustrating bouts with Falz where we lost because of a shortage of resources. In other words, the force didn't bring any fluids, or one or two players didn't bring any Moon Atomizers, and they were the ones who survived a Falz blitz. If you for some reason can't raise the cash for the stuff you need, tell your teammates. Don't leave it for a nasty surprise.

2. Always heal the androids!: I've had this happen too. I've been running around after taking a hit from the boss in a battle FULL of organics with Resta, but because none of them were damaged, they wouldn't cast it, and sure enough the next attack finished me, and they were forced to burn a precious Moon Atomizer to bring me back. I've even been running next to a Force after we had both been hit by a nasty attack, and the Force used a MATE to heal. Remember, androids have limited healing resources, don't make them burn them unecessarily, or they will falter mid-way through the battle! TP is cheap, don't be afraid to cast Resta often, even if you're unhurt and your teammates all have the same ability. You may get a Resta off where they would be unable to.

3. Stick together!: This is a corollor to the last one. You know how Resta, Shifta, Deband affect the whole group? Not if you're spread all over the map! with most baddies they don't care if you're in a clump or all over, they'll hit you all the same. Better to stay close so you can support each other.

4. Hotkey important items/techs: How many times have I gone into a boss fight, and seen someone stand next to a downed ally for several seconds as they ponderously scroll through their list of items to reach a moon atomizer? Hotkey the damn thing! Especially androids, your traps don't do you any good against bosses. If you have to use your hotmenu, drop your unecessary items (Like antidotes, antiparalysis, mats, etc.) in the bank and unclutter your list. and learn to use the hotlist? I've seen several lvl 40+ people still going to the MAIN menu for that sort of thing.

5. Take the Right Weapons: Always take any and all weapons you might need. Usually that means a gun. Most bosses force you to play Ranger, especially Falz's final form, and if all you brought are those nifty Musashi, you're gonna look pretty stupid. Pick accuracy and short cooldown over power... those mechguns could get you killed.

These all seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people this is news to. Anyway, if you've got something to add, add away!