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  1. #31


    On 2001-03-04 14:18, JJ wrote:
    iNiGHTS all the forces u have played wtih must suck. My force ATP is almost at max at lv 85 with shifta and my Soul Eater and my MST is almost at max as well. You say forces cant fight like hunters do.... well i do it. I sometimes make Hunters look bad because im kicking so much ass. I use my techniques from a distance then finish ppl off in 2 hits. In Ruins thats different but every1 has problems in the ruins unless your like lv 100. Dont give me this crap "I can use techniques too" Because your damage on them doesnt come close to what i can do and my MST is not maxed out yet. I dont think you have even used a force. Dont talk all this until u have experienced it. I want u to train a force all the way to at least lv 70 when they start kicking ass. I am a lv 85 force and im proud and glad i decided to be a force and not 1 of the 999999999 Hunters that are on PSO. It is worth it.. but are u good enough to make it through..
    And since when did I say I used a force? Is there something you don't get?

    Opinion, I am trying to ask for opinion not your flaming, and I want to try to support my opinions, what is up with people like you? "blah blah don't give me crap blah blah you don't know how to play blah blah blah etc."

    And don't flame about people that I play with.

  2. #32


    iNiGHTS, it's really all about what you want to do more of: You can learn spells early and know that your team can depend on your for anything as a Force. As a hunter you know that you can guard the weaker members of the party and use more powerful weapons than forces can. In the end, both character types can do many of the same things, but it's the lead up that differs.

  3. #33


    yeah, I always thought it was strange that the classes aren't more divided. I'm a ranger (and an android to boot) so I'm bothered by the fact that hunters can use some of the rare- high powered guns.

    I think that hunters should onyl be able to use handguns, and should have NO magic but healing.

    Rangers should only be able to use the simples of blades and have only basic attack magic.

    forces should be able to use only the simplest of guns and blades, but should have access to ALL magic.

    unfortunately, there seem to be more and more exceptions that take away from the need to work as a team.

  4. #34


    On 2001-03-03 16:56, iNiGHTS wrote:
    Too bad it only hits one target and don't work on bosses.
    Megid hits multiple targets like barta. I am a lvl 73 FOmarl (hey JJ!), with lvl 13 megid. It doesn't work on bosses, but when you see me drop a line of 4 or 5 enemies you won't be so quick to discount Forces. Only problem with megid is it's low effectiveness in the ruins. But being able to waste 2 sinows before they even hit the floor kinda makes up for that...

  5. #35


    yes lizzad i know that was my mistake, I personally never got to see the magic at higher level and when at low level it only has a 45% chance to kill so never seem to see anyone kill anythig with it, but thanks for the info

  6. #36


    i see a lot of false info here, one that i can remember right off

    "forces can use most hunter weapons"

    which is not true. when i first got this game, i chose a force, for many of the ame reasons ppl stated here (love magic, uniqueness. well anyways, most of the weapons i picked up had big X's. after a long while of playing forces i started a HUmar. IMO forces suck at everything, except magic (isnt true at high levels). i always died as a force, and i didnt like being so dependant on others, esp[ecially since there are a lot of theives out there. but i do have a lot of respect for forces, especially when they know what they are doing. i've met some forces (medium lelvel) who think they are hunters and get right into the combat, only to die 30 seconds later, if your a force, stay in the back, cast your attsck spells, and support the group, dont be thinkin your a hunter.

    IMO, HUmars are best, because i like options in playing. thruy mags, i can have high MST and be a 'force' so to speak, or i can just hac away if i feel like it...

  7. #37



    This is a pretty interesting "debate", or whatever you wanna call it...
    Everybody is bringing up good points...
    I just have one question though...


    It just appears that they're out of the bidding for most valuable character class, i haven't really seen that many defending them...

    I'm interested in hearing what they have to say, because I'm sure they have some good insights to add to this topic...

  8. #38
    Messenger of Light, Destroyer of Darkness.
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    In a cushy forest of the USA


    Rangers are cool 'cuz of their mass use of weapons, but I'd rather not play as one. IMHO Ranger Avatar 1 is run-of-the-mill, Ranger Avatar 2 isn't all that cool, and Ranger Avatar 3... I ain't no pink french maid. As a class, I rely heavily on techniques (usually cuz I don't carry around enough moons and scape dolls, and my luck finding good weapons usually reeks), and rangers just can't cut it.

  9. #39


    Hi Liz! iNiGHTS then if u havent try out a force why are u argueing. Experience it first then talk all u want. I play with Liz all the time. You should see her take out Sinows or in the Forest like 3 ppl with Megid...

  10. #40


    "Rangers just can't cut it", whatever dude. my Racast is very much a good character except that I can't use techniques. All I have to do though is set up my attacks so that I have the longest possible time to pick off enemies before moving to another position. I can use all of the best guns and alot of the cooler melee weapons to. I really don't see why there is so much class bashing, ALL classes have strengths and weaknesses. If everybody chose to play as Humar then the game would be freakin boring.

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