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  1. #21


    Cough get back on topic cough

    Lavis cannon offline. Syncesta offline.
    V101 in my first few runs.
    LT Mantle quickly in old drops.

  2. #22
    Keeper of Precepts Hrith's Avatar
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    Jan 2003


    The truth, Ade, is that you are wrong (as usual), and you are too stupid to accept it.

    The information I posted comes directly from the game data, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant, since reasoning with you is impossible, you lack the required mental capacity for that.

    That being said, you proved once again that you aren't intelligent enough to understand the point of a topic.

    You're just a sad sore loser.

  3. #23
    Cursed J-Sword hunter
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    The information I posted comes directly from the game data
    Show me.

    And no, I haven't lost. I never give up. That's the one thing that separates us. If it weren't for your great finds and the praise that others give you, you would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. That's one thing I have that you never will. And it's worth more than any item. I will carry it to other games and to other tasks in life. No matter how bad I screw up I keep going.

  4. #24


    Read my sig. This may apply to you =P

  5. #25


    From the look of it, this thread is due to be locked within the next twelve hours.

  6. #26


    On 2006-04-22 20:38, trypticon wrote:
    From the look of it, this thread is due to be locked within the next twelve hours.
    Right, maybe i should post on topic then. Sorry.

    My rarest find was prolly the G-assassin arm that i turned into the sabers. Thats all i have, but im a lvl 20 force.

    Rarest item ive seen would prolly be a double cannon. And thats not even that great. =/

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Hinamori- on 2006-04-22 20:46 ]</font>

  7. #27
    Seeker of Rares Eihwaz's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Santa Destroy


    ADE, shut up, and quit dragging drama into this thread. Seriously. Axel's right - finding an uber rare faster makes the find more "amazing". The reason no one praises you is probably because you annoy them. =/

    I haven't really found any items of particular note. XD

    EDIT: Oh. >_>;

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2006-04-23 14:53 ]</font>

  8. #28


    From what I know, Eihwaz, he still hasn't found the SJS, and until he does so, he will continue to carry the low self esteem that he demonstrates.

    If you think about it this topic is helpful to the PSO community (oh god, I hate it) in that by sighting decent legitimate finds from a number of well known sources, it will create in other players the want or desire to continue dishing money out to Sonic Team in the hopes that they will find something along those lines as well. It gives hope and purpose to players who have not yet had those numbers appear before them, or the items, or whatever. In the end it is a good type of thread, and that is likely why it is threads like this one that keep popping up as if they were something new and exciting.

    Really, there is no other reason a repeat topic like this would continue to get so much attention. People don't pay attention to threads because you're bitching in them, ADE, and you know it. You and I are friends, however unlikely of friends that may be, and I do worry about you. Crap, that speach you gave me the other week about crossing over to the dark side was enough to worry about then, and I was worrying about you long before that. While it does you credit to keep that longevity you write about in this and in other games, it is also important to realize it is just that: a game.

    You would do much better to stop flogging dead horses and try rounding up a few live ones.

    You're a good player, and you've found great items. Don't let three letters get you down. It's just data, and the unsealing process is really a pain. If you keep at it, you will find it, and I know you will be happy when you do so. But, as you have stated numerous times before, it won't make you a better player for having done so. You need to get back to the fun of the game if you continue playing, and get away from the numbers, get away from the findings. They aren't important in the face of playing to have fun.

    And with all that aside, let's get this back on topic or it will end up being locked.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2006-04-22 21:26 ]</font>

  9. #29


    -_-;; eat lockage

    But if there is anyway to revive this topic.
    I remebered a yas 0 20 40 0 35 dropping. or around those %'s which must be pretty rare >.>;
    Offline soul banish also

  10. #30
    Dancing Blades, Whirling Whips Maridia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    My Room


    Ade, this thread is about crazy good finds. Not how great someone is. You're putting words where there were none, and taking offense, and freaking out again for no reason. You should just stay out of topics like these, look how badly you killed it. Frankly, I don't see YOU doing anything "positive" for the PSO community except being positively retarded and irritating. You have a keen mind, go use it for something more constructive than letting this stuff get to you. Or go seek counselling on this. You obviously can't work through it on your own.

    Now, back on topic, I wish I had something spectacular to brag about. Hm. Eh.. Wow, nope. Nothing. ... oh god, my pso life is all a lie *sob*
    Maybe if I start hanging around with Axel, a little of the Axel Factor will rub off on me and then I'll be a pso goddess and ade can hate me too for no reason. :<<<

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Maridia on 2006-04-22 22:00 ]</font>

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