It's funny because I just deleted my myspace. =D
I'm proud of myself.

But I think my point may have turned a bit...

The "freshman" i spoke of, yea, they may seem immature at times, but when I compare them to the people in the Sophomore class, they're like angels.

They never do anything wrong. There are more and more people doing their homework in their class, and our class just getting less and less smart. Perhaps if they were smart enough to realize they could have a future worth looking forward to, I'd see everyone more equally...

I appreciate how Abdur put it, because, I guess I forgot how the relationship was when it started. I didn't have a care in the world, much less, worry about how she was acting.

If anyone can really say they love someone else in the world, then you love them for who they are, not who you 'want them to be.' I seemed to have lost sight of that. I can only hope she can forgive me for the person I've become.

as a note: Hello PSOworld, I'll be your waiter from now on. Myspace was hell... i know now why they have "myspace ruined my life" t-shirts...