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  1. #1
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Your local insitution.


    check this. I saw it on

    Take PSO Screenshots
    This requires an extra DC controller plugged into port D, and an empty VMU in that controller. When you want to take the screenshot, press Start, A and X at the same time. A countdown will appear, which is the file being saved to your VMU. After the shot is taken, go to this site, using your Dreamcast browser:

    And you should now have a great image of your PSO game! Please note that PlanetWeb v1.0 doesn't allow you to upload VMU images.

    can someone try this and see if it works?

  2. #2


    Yep, it's legit. In fact, there's an article about how to do it and how to upload the resulting picture somewhere here at PSO World...

  3. #3
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Your local insitution.


    cool. question. does it have to be an empy vmu? can it have any files on it? or do they mean just no pso files?

  4. #4


    They mean "empty' in the sense of 'having a boatload of free space'. The image file takes up about 195 blocks, and most standard VMUs have 200 blocks.

    I have no idea, but I suspect it'd also save whatever capture you get as the same file or file name, so it'd likely overwrite a previous one.

  5. #5


    I have done this a few times. The pictures are sent back almost immediately. They are small and a bit dark, but that can be fixed with a image editor.
    You have to delete the image file from the vmu before you can take another pic. So send the first pic you took to them and then delete it off the vmu to take another pic.

    "It's better to burn out than to fade away" - The Kurgan

    <font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Whatley on 2001-03-05 20:02 ]</font>

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