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  1. #101


    The rain continues down, giving the day a very gloomy look. As Sesshou walks up the hill he can see the buildings of Pewter City.

    "I finally made it but with my current pokemons their really no way for me to beat this Gym Leader."

  2. #102


    There was an awkward feeling after Arwin left, and I thought to myself how much longer it would be before I left the group. Mt. Moon was just about a dozen miles to the east of Pewter City, and that's where I'd break away.

    As we got closer to Pewter City, I took a glance at the Hitmonchan walking a few paces off from Herbert, stopped and spoke up, "We all shouldn't go into the City like this."

    "Why?" Asked Serj, giving me an uneasy glance.

    "A few reasons." I paused and made sure everyone was listening, "First, Team Rocket will most likely be looking for us; especially after that beating we gave them. I'm sure they'll be in the city (mainly places of lodging) looking for us, and this time they'll have more experience people with them. I suggest some of us stay outside the city for awhile until we challenge the gym, then move out as quickly as possible." I waited a moment for my words to sink in before continuing.

    "I realize Hal needs medical attention, so no need to wait and see if he dies out here. We need to get him to a hospital; I would suggest only one or two go in with him. Possibly, one help him, and the other a few paces back incase the Rockets wanna jump an injured Hal. It's up to whoever goes though, just offering my thoughts." I gave Hal a wink.

    "Next up, that Hitmonchan." It stepped forward one pace and looked like it was going to pay more attention to what I'd say next, "He certainly can't go walking into Pewter. Hitmonchan are rare and very excellent pokemon (after a little training anyways)." The Chan grunted, "If it's spotted by the wrong people, you can be sure we're going to get attacked in the city. I'm open for suggestions on what we do."

  3. #103


    "But what if team rocket jump hal and his escort? if its more experiened guys then they'll be in trouble. I think we should stick together. saftey in numbers and all that cliche crap." Serj replied. "and as for the hitmonchan, he can probably take care of himself."

  4. #104


    After a solid day of straight travelling while still catching some of the sights of Route 2, Keith and Shale finally made it to the Viridian Forest. He then looked down towards Shale, and smiled.

    "So Shale, think we'll get some good pokemon here?"
    "Dude, Geo-dude."
    Keith nodded. "You're right. We might actually run into a trainer or two here. Here's hoping, eh?"

    Keith grabbed one of his backpack straps, and with Shale in tow, they both started off in Viridian Forest...
    I'm still around.

  5. #105


    "I still don't want to risk the Chan out in the open." I let my pack fall to the ground, "Here." I say, going through the contents. I pull out an "all weather" cloak and hand it to the fighting type, who is completely surprised at the mad gesture.


    As the pokemon finishes putting on the cloak and its hood, I try not to laugh. "It is a little big on you, but I think you'd rather be in that than a pokeball." Chan eyes himself awkwardly, barely able to see with the large hood covering most of his face.

    "Don't worry though, you won't have to wear it for very long. I'll be coming right back after Hal gets the help he needs." I grin to keep from laughing, the Chan tries to make himself a little more comfortable, "I'll be back because, I'm not going to risk staying at a poke center. Reason being, Team Rocket is still looking for us and will be for a long time. It's not everyday half a dozen of their members are beaten into submission. Not to mention..." my grin spreads widely, "I have a something planned for you all, a special treat you might say. I can't very well prepare it in a poke center."

    "Hmm? Serj asks, turning his attention away from the oddly dressed Chan.

    "As a pokemon breeder, part of my studies is to find what foods and such have the most benefit for their respective types and species. And so I was planning on preparing a damn fine dinner for your pokemon, and for you once Hal is recovered." I glance at the half-conscious teenager, "Speaking of which, we need to take him, now." I sling my pack over my right shoulder, and pick up the injured Hal very carefully.

    "Don't get use to this. I just don't want you wasting your strength and dying on us, especially after Chu was kind enough to treat you." I say grinning.

    "I need more supplies, I'm coming." Spoke Chu, standing up and taking the lead, "Don't walk in one group, keep it spaced."

    Just as we started off once again toward Pewter City, I heard rustling in the bushes not too far to our left. Eying them carefully, I scrawny figure of a boy stumbles into our clearing.

    "Eh, hello." I say. Not wanting to waste time with a newcomer because of Hal's situation. "If you want company, I doubt any of us will deny it. Come now if you decide, we can talk on the way." And without waiting for a reply, I keep walking.

    It's been such a long time. ;-;

  6. #106
    On and off, off and on
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    Sep 2005
    A tiny little town where no one knows...


    The boy reluctantly followed them, running after them after just looking at them for a few seconds. Standing only at 5'4", he had to look up to see the strangers he was traveling with. They were all sorts of different people, whether it was the tough-looking guy with the pierced ears, or the one who had long silvery hair who carried one who looked like he was injured.

    There was silence for several minutes, and no one bothered to say a word. The one with the long hair carrying another person finally broke the silence.

    "We'll never know anything about you unless you say something. What's your name?"

    The boy jumped. He was surprised to hear someone say anything after quite a while. "The name's Andy...and, while it doesn't have a nickname, is my Staryu."

    Andy reached into his pocket and picked up one of his Poke Balls, and opened it. Out of the Poke Ball came a brown star-shaped Pokemon, who bounced up and spun around once. In the middle was a golden crest, with a red gemstone inside that had a slight v-shaped crack that differenciated it from any other Staryu.

    "I'm Nathan." The one who asked Andy to introduce himself replied back. "Serj is the one with the black and red hair, and the one with the ear piercings and the mohawk is...well, just call him Chu. The one I'm carrying is Hal, who got stung by a Beedrill. We're heading towards Pewter City, and hopefully, we'll get Hal some medical attention when or while we're getting there. Come if you want, if you don't want to, that's fine too."

    Andy didn't say anything back, but as of now, he started to take a little liking to Nathan's group.

    I'm not big on RPing, so I'm not that good at it yet...

  7. #107


    Curse you Toh and your terrible persuasive powers.

    * * *

    I hum an eerie ditty to the audience of myself and those who aren't too preoccupied to notice, meaning only the new arrival, Andy, who keeps throwing nervous glances my way whenever the song reaches a trembling crescendo. A crescendo which would lead to my sporadic behavior, such as spinning in place, leering sideways across the path, or just stopping suddenly altogether.

    The youth hadn't quite noticed how intently he had been staring at the bulky, mohawked figure, but he soon became aware that his glances were being returned.

    My humming stops.

    I turn to face him yet continue to walk backwards, glaring at Andy, who visibly shrinks under my fierce, untouchable gaze. Damn I'm awesome.

    And then the world went black.

    "Ahhrg!" Dark rather, he could feel two clawed paws press themselves to his eyes, causing him to yelp and whirl around, the Sandshrew that had crept up his back digging her hind claws into his bag to maintain balance. The youth panicked, trying to free himself of his dusty yellow assailant, who nimbly scrambled around on his shoulders, chest, and clinging to his very arms to avoid detachment. Nathan was forced to stop and look behind him, a flicker of scorn running through him at the sight of Chu doubled over laughing while Andy frantically tried to pry Ginger from the back of his head.

    "Damnit man! We really don't have time for this.." He frowns as I waved the comment to the side and grin wider.

    "Yeah yeah, mother." Comes my retort, I back up to Andy and retrieved Ginger none too gently by the nape, placing her on my broad left shoulder where she nips at my ear in protest. Unfortunately before the 12 year old could escape, he was rounded and pulled close by the mohawked one's right arm.

    "W-Wha" My behavior causing him to stutter,

    "Chill." An ominous chuckle resounds in my chest, turning my lax suggestion into an intimidating command. Pewter City is so close we can practically reach out and touch it, Serj, Nathan(with Hal across his back) and Herbert Slowly gaining distance from us. Andy trembles, unsure of what to do or what to think, and I release him with a sigh.

    "Yeah, you're gonna get eaten."

    "H-huh?" Andys surprised that I'm suddenly frowning, but that's alright, I need to impact to get a point across.

    "Look here, its autumn, slowest time of the year around Pewter City. It gets cold fast, but there's no snow yet so the winter tourists aren't even looking at the slopes nearby. So in other words.."

    Confused, but listening, that's all that matters. My scowl and evil eye may be saying otherwise, but deep within my gut I feel a bit of worry begin to gnaw on my insides. Damn conscious.

    "Its boring, so the trainers are gonna be getting antsy, looking for a fight. And you my friend have 'free meal' written on your forehead."

    "But my bangs cover my forehead.."

    "Idiot! That's not the point!"

    Herbert watched only for a moment while Chu poked the youth in the forehead, saying something rather loudly while making wide gestures towards the city. Kid these days..

    * * *

    "S-sir! I heard you had started your training, so I didn't expe-"

    "I've got a party coming in, they'll be arriving at the hospital shortly."

    "And you want us to..?

    "do nothing."


    "I'm ordering you to not touch them,their pokemon, or their families."

    "With all due respect sir, I have orders to make contact with the group that roughed up our squad in Viridian. Is there a reason wh-"

    "Tell him that they're are my toys, father knows I don't like sharing.."



    ..that should be enough for now.

    * * *

    Nathan sighed as Serj wandered, unconcerned, around the hospitals waiting room. Sheesh.. Chu had gone and disappeared when they got to the city, Herbert had his own business so he didn't stay long after he had seen Hal safely inside the hospital.. and then there was that weird receptionist lady.

    "Oh! you must be Chu's friends, we received word that you were coming."

    .. Is what she said. Furthermore, just a moment ago he got a call from the very same Illusive Mohawk punk,

    and that conversation..

    "Yo! Nathan?"

    "Chu, damn you, where'd you go? You just vanished when we took the bus from the suburbs!"

    "Ha hah.. sorry, sorry. Urgent business. Did you guys deliver Hal safely?"

    "..He's not some kind of package.. but yeah, the receptionist already knew the situation. Its crazy, do you know everyone?"

    "Every pretty face in the Kanto region, my friend. I'll lend you my address book sometime, you'll enjoy yourself."

    "You're unbelievable."

    "Anyway, I'm already heading over to the gym to swipe myself a badge. Meet up somewhere sometime tomorrow? Ciao"


    After a long sigh he found himself willing to give the situation a small laugh, it certainly was the start of something interesting.

  8. #108


    Day 3 - 11: XX a.m.

    'Just when I thought I was starting to figure out Chu...he pulls a stunt like this. However, it has given a little more detail to think about. I had my suspicions about him with his ekans. But the receptionist knowing we were coming? And even more so, knowing Chu? (Or at least, that's what I'm getting at.)'

    A burst of red light, and the beautiful Coriander appeared near my feet, tilted her head then hopped on my lap.

    "Hey you..." I grin slightly, petting her behind the ears.

    "Serj, can you sit down? You're making me uneasy with all that pacing. For someone who isn't worried, you sure don't show it!" I manage a small laugh. Andy was sitting, but not right next to me, figures. I wouldn't want to sit next to me either. I'm a little more intimidating then I'd like to be, but when you had a past like mine, and been in contact with...them. You tend to try and frighten people off, before you get to close and they become a distraction, or potential enemy.

    'I wonder if Chu is somewhat like that?' But I doubt it.' I force the thought out of my mind.

    "Sit down already!"

    Serj stops, gazes at me with puzzlement, then takes a place one chair over from Andy. He seemed even shyer after my sudden gesture.

    "Hey Andy, once this is all good and done with. I'd like to challenge you to a pokemon match, if I want to beat Brock then I had better get into more serious training."

    Before the skinny boy could reply, one very cute nurse with large brown eyes and pink hair came into the waiting room.

    "Nathan?" She asked, not knowing who she was talking to.

    "That's me."

    "Your friend, Hal, will be all right. However, he's still pretty weak, so we'll be keeping him for a few hours. He should be able to leave the hospital by three."

    "Great! Thank you very much. How much will be the bill?" I reach for my wallet, however the nurse, flustered stops me, "Oh darling, Chu has already taken care of it!"


    "Eh..thank you." I was hit hard, 'Who is this kid?'

    To my disappointment, the nurse turned and left. Standing up quickly, (making a very comfortable Coriander angry) I said to my comrades, "Going out for a minute, I need some gear I want to buy." I start to walk out, "Andy, think about my challenge. I'll meet with you guys back here at three."

    I left without waiting for a reply from anyone.

    'Lemme see, where are they?'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheOneHero on 2006-08-17 22:54 ]</font>

  9. #109
    Everyone's a Critic DonRoyale's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada


    Day 1: 12:00 A.M. (Does this have to be my time? I'm not really going to be going in a group much, so does it really matter?)

    Grinder was a pretty material kind of guy. Being the son of the famous Dragon Clan, he had definently established a name for himself-he was an experienced raiser of dragon-types. He didn't own any of his own, but his final test, which let him journey on his own, was to raise a Dratini into a Dragonite. He performed the task, which took most of the family an average of four days of pure training, in a mere two days and two hours, a feat that puzzled the whole clan, even Grinder himself.

    Lance, the legendary Dragonite raiser, who had gotten his name from performing the task in just a single day, was beyond proud. Though Lance's feat was legendary, he had been studying dragons through and through, and had raw experience on his side. That coupled with the fact that he was 18 when he accomplished this baffled him when his own son finished the task with no experience and at a ripe age of 13. After much debate, Grinder was sent to Blackthorn for four years to learn everything there was to know about the dragon type.

    However, Grinder was one who knew the inherent flaws of raising a single type of Pokémon for battle. He desired a different type other than dragons, and was struck by inspiration one day while training in the Dark Cave. He stumbled upon a silver-colored Golem, who was badly injured. He nursed it back to health, and took it back to Blackthorn. Grinder wanted to initially train this Golem as his own, but the clan argued that he wasn't experienced enough to train such a powerful Pokémon. Not only that, but Golem wasn't a Dragon. The Dragon Clan allowed Grinder to call the Golem his own, but only if he could raise another Dratini, a much more special Dratini, into a Dragonite. Giving him Drake, the shiny Dratini (I'm unsure of Dratini's shiny color), Grinder was sent to Pallet Town to begin his quest of raising another Dratini into a Dragonite.


    "Clair? Why is it that nobody can accept me for who I am?" Grinder was being escorted by Clair, leader of the Blackthorn Gym. Grinder's true relation to Clair is unclear; when Grinder inquired about this, the leader merely replied, "She is part of the clan, you are part of the clan, therefore you share the same bloodline." Despite being well-known for his breeding skills and training methods, Grinder despised his family. He hated being in such a selective family, one with such odd customs and rituals. He felt he had no freedom.

    "In this backwards family, if you're not a pure dragon raiser who will adhere to the rules of the clan, you're not a part of it. I hate it too, Grinder, but we have to respect the customs of our ancestors." Clair replied.

    "Maybe I don't want to be a part of the clan." Grinder said.

    Clair gasped and looked at Grinder. "Don't say that, Grinder! Though we're mostly considered a clan, we're still family! We love you, Grinder."

    "Aside from you and father, I doubt that." Grinder could only trust three things in this world: His father, Clair, and his Pokémon. Aside from that, he had a general distaste for everyone. Naturally, being in a clan whose leaders were dictators who granted little freedom, he despised any type of authority he deemed unjust.

    "Well, we all love you, Grinder. Certain members of our family...they just don't show it as much as your father and I do." The two arrived at Pallet Town, the town from which most beginning Trainers begun their journeys. Grinder had no experinece in the true esccence of battling-all of his battles were like simulations-you had to win, you had to do this, you had to do that. Grinder relished the opportunity of being able to finally battle without having to think of the battle as a life-or-death situation.

    "Thank you, Clair. That means a lot. I'll send Drake back to you guys after he evolves; he'll come looking for Granite. Have him ready for pickup; I want to train Granite as much as possible." Granite was the name Grinder had given to the silver Golem he nursed to health. Until Drake became a Dragonite, Grinder would not be allowed to train Granite, so he wanted to train Drake as fast as possible, in order to train both Drake and Granite.

    "Good-bye, Grinder, and good luck." With that, Clair left, leaving Grinder to stock up on potions and miniscule 'condiments' beofre departing.

    "Where should I begin?" Grinder said. He was looking around for any wild Pokémon that would attack him. As he was looking around, he failed to notice a wild Pidgey had attacked him.

    "Aah!" Grinder dodged Pidgey's peck attack and expanded what looked like a blue and silver Pokéball, one that looked different from most types of Pokéballs. "Drake, I choose you!" He threw the Pokéball, and from it expanded Drake, the Dratini. Following its emergence, a small amount of glitter came off of Drake, the universal singal that Drake was different from most Dratinis. "Drake, use Thunder Wave on that blasted bird!"

    Drake proceeded to unleash a blue bolt of lightning from its horn. The bolt caught the Pidgey off-guard and the wave caused the bird to faint. (Remember, I'm using Pokémon physics here, not the in-game physics)

    "Hmm, not bad for our first battle. Let's get moving, Drake." Grinder said, returning Drake to its Pokéball and moving on.

    After roughly an hour of walking and battling wild Pokémon, Drake stubled upon a trainer. "Trainer, I challenge you to a battle!" The trainer said, holding a Pokéball in his right hand, which he held out in Grinder's direction.

    Grinder merely stared at him in response. After a few seconds, he replied "...Fine." Taking out his custom Pokéball, he released Drake. The trainer threw his Pokéball, and out popped a Goldeen. Immediately making a move for the water, Drake followed.

    "This idiot couldn't have made it any easier for me..." Grinder thought to himself.

    "Goldeen, use Horn Attack!" said the trainer. His Goldeeen thrusted its horn at Drake.

    "Dodge it." Grinder said calmly. Drake, even though in the water, easily dodged the Goldeen's Horn Attack.

    "Thunder Wave." Grinder said. Drake dived underwater and released a blast of electricity from its horn, a blast that was amplified from the natural physics of water conducting electricity. The Goldeen naturally was knocked out.

    "I win. Now fork over half your money." Grinder said, walking up to the trainer. The trainer handed him 300 yen, returned his Goldeen to its Pokéball, then walked off.

    "I think that should call it a day, Drake." He returned Drake to its Pokéball and continued walking for about fifteen more minutes. Having travelled the route already to get to Pallet Town, Grinder knew the locations of the Pokémon Centers between major towns. Walking in, he asked the Nurse Joy to heal Drake while he headed to bed. Before going to sleep, he logged his training schedule on his Pokégear: Battled five Pidgies, three Ratatta, and a trainer with a Goldeen. Got Drake to level seven.

    Current Status:

    Yen: 3,300
    Five Potions
    Three Antidotes
    Two Awakenings
    Two Burn Heals
    Two Ice Heals
    Three Full Heals

    Level 6
    Moves learned: None

    After logging the data in his Pokégear, Grinder promptly went to bed.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SereneShadows on 2006-08-18 16:04 ]</font>
    Kyousei - 21 Fnewm

  10. #110
    That annoying guy who posts on your threads. ColonelPiFace's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Day 3 11:34

    "Oh crap!!!!!!!!!!" Reaser says as he looks at the calender. He was supossed to leave for his journey two days ago! "Ears! Up and adam." If his parents hadn't been away on bussisness, he wouldn't have forgotten to leave.
    "Ears... grab the food pack"
    "Yes, now." He packed his stuff and got ready to go. Upon locking the door Ears came out of the Poke'door. As he walked through the town, he noticed there were footprints every where. "I missed alot," he thought, "Even the going away balloons." He began to walk through route 1.

    As he walked he didn't pay attention to where he was going and walked into a small tree.
    At least he thought it wass a small tree...

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