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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    palm beach gardens flordia


    Also from game spot the new information on psu. [quote]The visuals in the work-in-progress game we're trying out are looking uneven across the three platforms it's appearing on. The game looks most comfortable on the PlayStation 2, which is a good fit for the graphics on display. The game uses the angular art style seen in the PSO branch of the series and gets a lot of mileage out of few polygons. The catch to this is that the Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game could be prettier. To be fair, the PC game looks a good deal better than the PS2 game, thanks to a higher resolution. However, the Xbox 360 game is lacking that sparkle right now. The game relies a bit too much on assorted filters on the 360, which give the action a blurry look that's distracting. However, despite its low-poly characters, PSU tosses in a generous helping of special and particle effects to show off its unique world. The game's frame rate is generally stable, though it hitches when the action gets too hectic.

    Is this bad news from xbox360 YAY here is the site;1&page=2&q=

  2. #32


    Did anyone else besides me not really like Ethans voice that much? I liked Petes voice, just not really Ethans.

  3. #33


    On 2006-08-21 22:12, Hobokiller wrote:
    Did anyone else besides me not really like Ethans voice that much? I liked Petes voice, just not really Ethans.
    Ehh it was okay, good not great, but not that bad. That was just one scene, the starting scene which they no doubtedly recorded first. Sometimes VAs need a few days/weeks of recording before they really settle into the roles.

    He may sound better in following cut scenes.

  4. #34


    That first intro reminds me so much of Dragon Force xD

  5. #35


    Gamespot is always carefull not to pass judgement too soon in a preview of a game, but it seems to me that they're having some issues with PSU? Could be just me, but I don't want this game to disappoint.

  6. #36


    Seems like it, Dingo, it bugs me that they didn't really praise it... they are in the process of nit picking I tell you O_O.

    From the way it sounds I am willing to bet they will knock it down a notch or two just because they got rid of mags.

  7. #37


    Widescreen resolution coming from Xbox 360 version? I hope the resolution carries over to the PC!

  8. #38


    On 2006-08-22 03:13, Dingo wrote:
    Gamespot is always carefull not to pass judgement too soon in a preview of a game, but it seems to me that they're having some issues with PSU? Could be just me, but I don't want this game to disappoint.
    reviewers from places like Gamespot are too nitpicky for their own good. and another thing is they have a reputation for not getting some of their facts right. They really just can't sit down and enjoy a game without searching for reasons to not like it.
    And places like Gamespot and IGN should take more responsibility for their previews and reviews and their thoughts about what is a pro and what is a con, because although not everyone is stupid enough to be influenced by their opinions, there are many who depend on them to determine their own decision.

    There are many examples of reviews where Gamespot, IGN, magazines, etc. give a game a much lower or higher score than it deserves, so whatever they decide, just remember their final opinion is not absolute.

  9. #39


    They really just can't sit down and enjoy a game without searching for reasons to not like it.
    They get paid to do that, actually.

    The review sounded fair enough to me. What they say is, more or less, accurate if you take into account that preview disc and a few official press releases and trailers may be all they've seen of the game.

    It seemed to me that they were less complaining about it than saying "There are some issues with this preview that will probably get fixed later. This IS a work in progress disc, afterall."

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aphael on 2006-08-22 07:28 ]</font>

  10. #40


    If you ask me, by modern gaming "standards" their complaints are completely justified... Even I agree with many of them... Then again, I don't play games based on modern "standards"

    As for the voice acting... I didn't like PETE at all... too girly! It reminded me of another particular VA that I've grown to disdain the sound of her voice... Ethan's however, I liked, due largely to the fact that I don't think I have ever heard that VA before-and his voice sounded entirely different than what I would expect for Ethan's sterotypical character type. His acting was pretty good too. (on a voice acting side-note, if I hear the VA that did Spike Spiegel ONE more time in a role other than that one, I will rip my ears off! >.<)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RurouniJoku on 2006-08-22 07:52 ]</font>

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