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  1. #11
    Down for the Getdown
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 36 Chambers


    Alotta shit grinds my gears.

    People who follow these trends to act like things they aren't I.E. kids who act japanese when they aren't. Kids who act like they're G's and they run the street, when they don't.

    People who say [blank] country is SOOOOOO much better than america.

    Stupidity really grinds my gears. I know some people can't help it, but its still annoying.

    In school, people who are doing things THEY KNOW THEY'RE NOT SOPPOSED TO, yet when the teacher catches them and reprimands them, they catch an attitude and make a scene. For example, this one girl in my math class decided that she wanted to walk ALL THE WAY across the class room, WHILE the teacher was giving a lecture, to talk to her friend. She sat on his lap and was yakity yakkin until the teacher told her to sit did. "GAWD, I'm just getting some paper." is what she said so the teacher left her alone. 5 minutes later the teacher talks to her again. "I'M JUST GETTING SOME PAPER." again, the teacher tells her to go back to her sit. she smacks her teeth, grabs ONE peice of paper, and strolls over to her seat. She knew good and goddamn well she wasn't getting any paper, it doesn't take 10 minutes and a whole buncha noise to grab ONE SHEET OF PAPER. She also had other classmates around here AND a notebook which she coulda got paper from.

    Thats all that comes to mind right now.

  2. #12
    Pumpkin King. More like Pumpkin Faggot
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    People that are obsesed with Family Guy really piss me off.

  3. #13


    On 2006-09-09 13:31, WrathOfMegid wrote:
    Animes with overused plot and characters. Bebop and Trigun were breaths of fresh air, but lately I've been drowning in Love Hina-esk, Evangelion-style uber pussies who can't take one second to activate those two things all these lame excuses for male leads have in common:
    Yes, I'll say it a million times over: Evangelion sucks! Keitaro's a wimp! And Inuyasha needs more circulation in his skull!And ENOUGH of this rated T, slipped on a banana peel and fell on the girl perverted BULLSHIT! Once I almost walked right into a girl I had a huge crush on and fell, but what did I do? I spun my sorry self matrix style around her, fell flat on my ass, got up, and kept going.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WrathOfMegid on 2006-09-09 13:41 ]</font>
    Your my new hero!

  4. #14
    The Orginal Cast Supremist leblancdiaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada


    Hmm were to begin,

    -What grind my gears is when third world people pay with credit cards and expect to be treated like royalty.

    - When people can't park between two lines, come on people its not rocket science yet for some I tend to wonder.

    - When people don't know how to merge and instead of merging they cause accidents.

    - When people by pass traffic to save themselves three seconds in there "so called busy life"

    - When people go to Mcdonald's and are like, "Ummm, can I get ummm, ummm" like come on there are plenty of fat people that want to eat but what gives you the right to stall the line. Only exception is if you were in jail since the 50's and you didn't know what an McDonalds's was.

    - When USCAN tills don't take either american money or canadian as well as dirty bills.

    - When people don't take the time to read for thirty seconds which is like a typical guy.

    - How there is nothing on television in the day time except really retarded soap operas and in the night time you don't know what to record or watch.

    - How people can't tell the difference between Family Guy and The Simpsons.

    Should I go on?

  5. #15


    I've got a few.

    I work at McDonald's. Here's the list I've accumulated from experience:

    - People wasting my time: "And, umm...... a Dr. Pepper with that #6." The drink machine is TO YOUR FUCKING LEFT.

    - "I want a #3, and I want that as a meal." #3 means meal, asshat.

    - "I want..." Yeah. I find that irritating. TRY BEING POLITE. "I'd like..." "Could I please have..."

    - When people say "Oh, by the way, I want that without pickles and onions." AFTER our grillworkers have already made their fucking food, and we have set it on their tray.

    - When people explode. Is "Sorry" not good enough for you? Sometimes things happen. Like your hair. Or the way you... well, that's my next one.

    - "Where's the katchup?" This is a two-in-one complaint. First off. The KETCHUP is right over there, batwoman. Second off, where the fuck did you get the idea of pronouncing the "e" in ketchup like a hard "a"?

    - When people bitch about the tables being dirty. Here's the rundown: we do clean the tables periodically, but we expect you to utilize the trash cans by EVERY FUCKING DOOR. So I walk out, clean the table for them, and they leave their trash after they are finished. Pricks.

    Now on to everyday things.

    - See Negative T-Shirts thread. Cynical, 'hip', and 'edgy' phrases on black T-shirts printed in a scribbly-looking font.

    - Groups of 3 or more people who walk slowly in the halls side-by-side. Typically a school thing, but occurs in malls as well.

    - When playing DDR or PIU, kids running across pads and 'badasses' throwing out sarcasm to no end. Look, cunts. We know it's not real dancing, just like you need to know your car isn't a real street racer.

    - People who automatically label someone as "poser" for wearing Hot Topic-bought clothing one day and Abercrombie the next. If they like the clothes, they're not really posing as anything, now, are they?

    Mosquitoes. "MUFFIN LLAMA SQUIRREL" humor. Foamy the Squirrel. Generic themes in anime. People obsessed with the military. Wal*Mart Syndrome, i.e., walking in front of cars in parking lots. Excessive make-up. Funky-tasting water. What mainstream rap has become. Boring dance music. Music that tries way to hard at any of the following: being edgy, being abstract, being punk, being innovative (psst, hey you, kazoo players.) Abuse of "scary little girl"-type horror elements. Bad hentai/yaoi/yuri. The control scheme in all non-RE4 RE games. The way that all puppets move the same way (when laughing, the head is tilted back and bounces around. When talking, the voice gets slow as the puppets jaw goes off center, immediately followed by a bunch of head nodding. This is directed towards Sesame Street-type puppets.) "Jesus is my homeboy." Sites like PSO-World slowly withering. Homophobia in all its ridiculousness. People who do nothing but tell about their 'crazy party stories.' Dingy bathrooms. Places that smell like cats. Saltwater. Cheap hairdye. Bad-sounding synthesizers in electric music.

  6. #16


    I hate stuff that slows progress!

    The purposeful slowing down of cable modems!
    Modems from the first days of cable internet go faster than most today that you have to pay triple rate for EACH mo. to get the modem. They want you to think that the wires or the company "dole out the internet faster" but that is FALSE. It is the speed limiter in your modem that controls your speed, it doesn't matter to them. Mine is BARELY above dialup. I have to wait for everything to load just like dial up because I don't want to pay 70/mo to get access.

    Oil is a commodity.
    If you know what commodities are, (you can spell it unlike me) then you know that's not cool. It means oil is traded on by a bunch of dudes and that's what regulates the price, NOT the countries it comes from, which are steady in price (month to month...about) yet you see your gas change each day.
    **Did you know USA is WORLDS third largest oil producer? (russia and saudi are #2, #1) but we always say 'oh an oil shortage we raise gas to 3.50!) You'd think that SouthAmerica one would do more if we were so "poor on oil" but no. Commodity!

    The Horn of Africa is Breaking Off!
    Did you know that? No. You know that big point thing that goes under Arabia? Yeah that whole thing is gonna crack off turning it into an island. But NO ONE TELLS YOU. No it doesn't affect your life, but if the geography of the earth is going to change someone sould get told. Usually this takes millions of years, but at the rate it's going it'll be another 50. Nothing like it in geological history. Your local news says "Some guy rob a gas station". That's more important.

    Honda Liquid Nitrogen Car
    You don't know about it. The day they did a press-release it was purposely buried by "The Runaway Bride" story in all the major papers. I guess some ugly woman leaving her fiancee is more important than saving the environment, stopping funding terrorists, and quitting sending all the cash in USA/CAN/EU down to Arabia and all them to abuse it. In the end, if the badguys get all the funding, EVERYONE DIES.

    Jon Benet Ramsey
    If she was a buck-tooth hispanic girl who helped at camp no one would've cared. If she was a nerdy white girl with brown hair big nose and glasses who did softball you'd never hear her name. If she was a little black girl in braces who won a spelling bee and got killed, no one would know her name. It was tragic she was murdered, but the news should be forced to cover something...that is news and not some strange obsession. Zillions of other little kids get murdered but not covered. What story is she burying?

    Video game lies
    Sony is guilty here! People who say their game or system will be "So awesome" with fake footage, bogus cinemas, false promises, made-up specs, over-hype etc. and then don't follow through. They trick people into buying it, but it's not as good as they said. But while they said that, they "Stamped out" people/systems that could of been better and more fun. In the end, its less fun for everyone!

    The Scary Anti-Internet Law
    They get this thing passed, small business DIES in America. You want an economic crash like nothing before? Another "Great Depression" then sit back and do nothing while this thing tries to pass.

    They start letting companies charge arbitrary "Premium Rates" for certain sites to "load faster"?
    That means the web master has to pay the ISPS (all of them!) if it wants the site to SHOW UP AT ALL to anyone. You know this will get abused to hell, and there will be no "Slow loading for non payers", it will be pay up or NOTHING. So who loses? Anyone with a startup buis. Anyone with a 'fun site'. Anyone who isn't making hoards of cash *already*. This will make it 100% IMPOSSIBLE to start a new internet business w/o thousands in funding, which no one has. It will make it 100% IMPOSSIBLE for recreational sites (like this one) to exist. You think PSOW has 5 grand a month to just GIVE to 5 ISPs? Just so it will load? No.

    Also that means they charge the fee to the public too. "If you want to see all sites, you now pay 100/mo for web access" that means "all sites" that are also ponying up their several grand to not be blacklisted by us. Because the blacklisters never ever get seen.
    Internet dies. Everyone loses.
    Preferred bandwidth is utter BS. It is a noose not yet tightened.

    It goes on.

  7. #17
    The Orginal Cast Supremist leblancdiaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada


    Mc Donalds experience I like your style,

    How people can't tell the difference between a small, medium, large and supersize.

    How people ask were the straws, napkins, or ketchup is when its right behind them on a table.

    How people order 20 of the same item and it has to be done in 5 minutes because they never called in and each one has to be individually wrapped

    How people come back 2 minutes later saying that they never got there meal supersized or larged size in Canada and don't want to have to pay the difference when they never asked.

    How people like to spit on the windows or have pickle racing contests.

    How people abuse cashiers knowing that the cashier can't do anything in his or her defense.

    How people stop in the drive thru and yell at you when you say "please wait a minute, and I will be gladly to serve you."

    How one person that has a problem with his food has to be the center of attention.

    How the management is corrupt, where if you're not a manager no one really gives a shit when you have a problem.

    How management will make the lamest excuses so you won't get promoted.

    How you have to go and work (forced) to work at different restaraunts even though you said to them specifically that your not willing to relocate.

    How managers / supervisors can go on as many smoke breaks as they want but if your 1 minute late on your break its your nuts.

    Okay know back to real life,

    When people cut lines to get ahead of the rest.

    When your surrounded by idiots

    When people ask you what time it is when you can clearly see they have a watch on.

    When your sleeping in and all of the sudden the phone rings an no one answers it because there to lazy.

    When people don't realize how hard the service industry actually is

    When you get jacked out of your spot anywhere

    When someone buys your pre order on the day that you come in

    When they won't give you your pre order because the representative at the time can't spell your name right.

    When people make easy answers to avoid hard questions

    Keep going?

  8. #18


    "I want..." Yeah. I find that irritating. TRY BEING POLITE. "I'd like..." "Could I please have..."
    I gotta call BS on that one. You're getting paid to serve me, which means that I don't have to be polite. I'll be civil, which most people are, but I'm not going to ask you pretty please sir may I have a fucking Crossanwich & Coffee or whatever it is I decide to order. I tell you what I want, you prepare it and serve it to me, then I pay for that service. That's how it works.

    First you're going to complain because it takes a whole 2 seconds to say "Coke machine is on the left" - but you want me to waste my time saying please, will you kindly do your job to feed me? Hah... no...

    And yes.. I've worked food service before, both with the customers and in the kitchen.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  9. #19
    Hungry Hungry Hippo
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kingdom of the Worm


    On 2006-09-09 20:36, agenevil wrote:
    I've got a few.

    - People who automatically label someone as "poser" for wearing Hot Topic-bought clothing one day and Abercrombie the next. If they like the clothes, they're not really posing as anything, now, are they?
    How can you represent yourself if the clothes that you wear represent the opposite of each other? Its almost like believing in religion and evolution at the same time. It just doesn't make sense.

  10. #20


    Loud cell/phone users
    People who don't flush or otherwise leave the toilet in a state of nastiness
    Mindless political ranting
    Mindless religious or anti-religious ranting
    Mindless ranting
    Willfull helplessness
    Whining about things you have the power to change
    Seeing only in absolutes
    The cult of antibacterial agents
    The cult of medication-for-everyone
    The hours of 2:00am-8:00am CST (I'm submitting a proposal to ban said hours)
    "Its almost like believing in religion and evolution at the same time. It just doesn't make sense."
    People who are unable to locate a shower on more than a weekly basis while living in an industrialized society with a long and hallowed tradition of indoor plumbing
    Aerosol stuff--scented or otherwise
    Finding myself unable to move past 12:30 or 1:00 am
    Finding myself wasting time on pointless forum posting
    Finding myself in the middle of a cornfield at 4:30 am sans clothing (this is yet to transpire, but I am sure such an event would grind my gears most vigorously)
    The continued existence of skunks, rats, insects, and other assorted pests
    Poorly controlled dogs
    Poorly controlled dogs peeing on my lawn
    Excessive noise
    Long posts
    The necessity of sleep

    The end (of a 12425-part series)

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