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  1. #21
    Death from Above Dre_o's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    The place where it is cold


    To begin.


    Just in general, nothing too specific.


    People bitching about how bad their lives are. I CAN GUARANTEE IT COULD BE WORSE!!! HOW???? WELL I"LL NAME A FEW:

    You could be paralyzed from the shoulders down
    You could work as a RETARDED CLOWN
    You could be homeless,
    You could be parentless
    You could have to work with 2nd degree burns on your hands (like myself)
    You could have random fits of choking
    You could be living in a 3rd world country where the only thing you have to eat/drink on a continual basis is contaminated water, which if you drink, you will die. And you could have to kill siblings over bits of food that the Red Cross would bring you.

    Yes, I may say "This isn't fun" or "This sucks" but I NEVER, NEVER NEVER say "My life sucks"

    Also, I absolutely despise when people are so inarticulate with their speech that the best thing they can come up with is "F$#% that SH$%."

    It makes me want to kill them, no matter the consequences.

  2. #22
    Banned Sgt_Shligger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hey cousin!


    Hmmm, quite a few.

    People that don't admit to being wrong or to you being right.

    People who dress "emo" and complain about their lives sucking and everything never working out for them. Like Dre_O said, there are countless things that could make your life worse.

    People (mostly kids) who say "I don't like that food" and have never tried it.

    Kids that cry and whine until they get what they want.

    My 4/20 vision.

    The U.S. electoral system.

    Kids who stand in the middle of the hallway and don't move.

    When someone who wants to fight you brings a weapon.

    Paintballers who think their good because of their gun.

    Schools with low budgets.

    Bad drivers.

    Skate boarders who can't do tricks but do it because it's cool.

    When someone owns an instrument but doesn't know how to play it.

    MMORPG braggers. "I am SOOOOO g00d B3cUz of MY LeVeLz and MMO iz aLL sk!llz!"

    Newbies that ask TOO many questions. I mean really obvious things. Halo for example: "LiK3, h0// doo U DeLW w!eLD T3h GunZS?" Theres an in-game prompt that tells you.

    Newbies that decided they didn't need to use the tutorial.

    Newbies that button mash.

    Newbies that use the same attack.






    That's enough for now. . .

  3. #23
    Only lives to get radical W0LB0T's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Where women glow and men plunder


    Mobile phones
    Mobile phone users
    Mobile phone ring tones
    Mobile phone ring tone ads
    Mobile phone downloads
    People who think there cool because they have an expensive mobile phone
    Lack of spelling in text messages
    People who don’t believe they have dialled the incorrect phone number



    High school(so Glad its over)
    High school students
    High school Teachers treating year12 students like children

    The lack of Quality of consumer electronic goods (I could do a better job
    But I am trained in Class 3 surface mount soldering so that would be an easy task)
    Trying to work out the time difference between 2 sinusoidal waveforms.
    Resistor colour codes (Im so glad surface mount devices have their printed on them)

    (work Related)
    People who go to shops and leave stuff lying around
    People who steal from shops(Then again some people have no choice)
    People who don’t notice a stock cage which is twice as big as them and weighs almost half a metric tonne when fully loaded coming straight for them.
    Stuff that doesn’t fit in the shelves correctly
    People who abuse the service staff (Im glad I do nightfill)


    People who speed, don’t indicate, tailgate and have no regard for other cars
    People who have crappy cars with sports exhausts and thinking there car is fast
    Getting your drivers licence

    People who say PCs R soooo bettr than consolez!!!!111111one. in console debates(PCs Are not consoles They are completely different)
    People who intentionally miss spell

    The size of this post

    The fact it didn’t rain enough this winter. What will I drink now?
    People who complain about the rain

    The fact that I have more things that grind my gears but cant think of them right now.

    Current Projects:None
    Old Projects:[ [Dhylaw 1-10 11-13] [Dhylaw Season 2]

  4. #24


    On 2006-09-09 22:17, Sinue_v2 wrote:
    More words
    I guess I need to break my habit of excessive use of expletive vocabulary... maybe my post was too dramatic. Everything I listed were more of slight irritations to me rather than "I'm going to fucking kill someone"-type issues.

    And I wasn't demanding excessive politeness, but "I'd like" sounds much better than "I want I want I want."

    Here's another one.

    - When taking change, people just plop it onto the counter. That's not it, though. They plop their filthy money onto OTHER PEOPLE'S TRAYS.

  5. #25


    I tell you what I hated when I worked service - taking money that people kept in their back pockets, rather than in their wallet. And the people to do it were always increadibly fat - and sweaty - and the money would be just crumpled in a small, wet, smelly, lump. They might as well have been keeping it in their ass crack.

    That's just gross.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  6. #26
    Bonflignoplignop werronshipontiki
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I hate it when I'm taking a shower in the morning and I put conditioner in my hair, and I immeadiately walk under the water cause I forgot was i was doing because of a lack of sleep. Then I am forced to condition again...

  7. #27
    Hungry Hungry Hippo
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kingdom of the Worm


    People that act black but in fact are whiter than my ass.
    People that say Metallica is a better band then Megadeth
    People that say, "Stop comparing Megadeth and Metallica! They're BOTH great bands!!!!!1!11!1!" No they aren't. Megadeth is an amazing band. Metallica sucks.

  8. #28


    People who don't know to evacuate during a hurricane piss me off.
    Non funny Stereotypes (Wiggers!)
    Obese people suck! (get bowflex)
    Old people suck even Worse. (get off the road)
    Redneck wannabees. (If you own an ipod, you cannot be a red neck!)
    Idiots who pull their exhaust off their trucks to make it sound cool, but it makes it sound like an eighty year old 400 pound guy is taking a dump in thier engine. (that really pisses me off)
    People who can't hold their liquor!
    Paris Hilton
    Uninvited guests who don't bring alcohol. (my roommates friends visited last night at 3 am!)
    Casseroles. (dunno why)
    Hell, let's just put all people into the mix as well.

  9. #29
    Skilled Fighter DezoPenguin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Zosa on Dezolis


    On 2006-09-09 22:29, MadEwokHerd wrote:
    On 2006-09-09 20:36, agenevil wrote:
    I've got a few.

    - People who automatically label someone as "poser" for wearing Hot Topic-bought clothing one day and Abercrombie the next. If they like the clothes, they're not really posing as anything, now, are they?
    How can you represent yourself if the clothes that you wear represent the opposite of each other? Its almost like believing in religion and evolution at the same time. It just doesn't make sense.
    Personally, I try really hard not to make a sociopolitical statement with my clothing. If I wear a T-shirt with penguins on it, it's because I like penguins, not because I'm making a statement about global warming shrinking penguin habitat, and not because I am attempting to meld with the social group that patronizes whatever store/brand that produced the shirt. I wear white shirts to work instead of having a broad wardrobe of different-colored yet business-acceptable shirts because (a) I like white, and (b) I'm lazy and don't want to have to think what color shirt I'm wearing, or whether I have clean socks to match.

    Come to think of it, there's a rant in there somewhere--"People Who Interpret my Intentions Based Upon Their Subjective Reading of my Actions/Appearance In Light of Their (not my) Social Background."

  10. #30


    Potheads who act like irresponsible assholes and think it should be legalized.
    People on welfare who own better things than me.
    Thugs in gunstores.
    People clueless of the impending Zombie Holocaust.
    People clueless of anything besides beer, TV, etc.
    Freshman who think college is exactly like Van Wilder, or any movie like that, and act like it.
    Orange Hand. CZ-75b.

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