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  1. #11


    On 2006-10-09 09:48, krika wrote:
    I think PSU is going to sell EXTREMELY bad in europe and now also in Australia.

    God bless the importing system!
    We get shafted with everything. :

    PSO EpI & II got like 1000 copies in Australia, it lacked online support. We may as well not be on the face of the earth.

    I'm sick of corporate bigwigs sizing a game release down to how much money they can make off of it, then scrapping it.

  2. #12
    Pal Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    outer rim of Pluto


    awww <comfort> all you Australians

  3. #13


    What is this Australia you are all talking about? What? A continent in the southern hemisphere of earth, were kangaroos and koala bears hail from?
    Such a place exists? When was this country founded? What? Since more than 300 years?

    Good god, I never knew there was something else on this wonderful world... Lest you are going to tell me that there be dragons...

  4. #14


    Not to sound like a jerk, but better you than me.

  5. #15


    On 2006-10-09 18:53, Earthsunderer wrote:
    What is this Australia you are all talking about? What? A continent in the southern hemisphere of earth, were kangaroos and koala bears hail from?
    Such a place exists? When was this country founded? What? Since more than 300 years?

    Good god, I never knew there was something else on this wonderful world... Lest you are going to tell me that there be dragons...
    We have dragons too, but they're just lizards with a glorified name.

  6. #16


    There be child dragons? Kodomo dragons? Non-sense. This "Australia" of yours must be some kind of hallucinogen experience. I say to lay off this british grey earl tea.

    Next, you are going to tell me that there is a indigenous human race living on that made-up continent of yours... Totally non-sense, I dare to say...

  7. #17


    Bearded Dragons, not Komodo. I didn't say Komodo.

    I won't go into detail on aboriginals.

  8. #18
    Mt Fuji Conqueror
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I knew that previous release date wasnt going to hold. The fact is that Australia always gets games after the European release is out, and it isnt goint to change anytime now. Manly due to our PAL systems and of course the small population compared to the rest of the world.................
    Translation: We get shafted!
    So it shouldnt be any surprise to us Australians that the release date was going to change

  9. #19


    PC game releases should be all the same.

  10. #20
    Veteran 9 yr MMO player.
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Universe of Fantasy Worlds


    On 2006-10-09 19:15, JubeiSaotome wrote:
    Bearded Dragons, not Komodo. I didn't say Komodo.

    I won't go into detail on aboriginals.
    Ya had to show that.

    Now my gf wants one -_-

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