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  1. #1
    Kitsune Warrior
    Join Date
    May 2003
    In Seabed


    After playing x360 beta.. im starting to rethink getting it for x360.. i have found the mic to be Rather useless as no one talks in parties and i would of needed to get a keyboard for my xbox to talk out of parties, If this is the case i herd i could just put my x360 controller onto my PC to work correct?

    anyone else get this feeling?

  2. #2
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Secret Forest of his heart


    I'm only going to play with a handful of people anyway, and they use mics. I'm sure as you play you'll run into more and more people willing to talk and use their headsets. I would'nt exactly call it quits just because people aren't using the headset in the beta.
    Look, he did it again.

  3. #3
    Kitsune Warrior
    Join Date
    May 2003
    In Seabed


    Beside 1 guy no one ever talked, also the fact we have to have the keyboard to even talk to one another in the lobby easily is a turn off for me. I was under the idea the mic worked in lobbies with a Party and public only options. =/

  4. #4


    Well, I'm going to be playing with a groupful of friends, so I really don't have to worry about getting a party with people who don't talk. Of course, I have a keyboard as well so I can't really say anything. Lol. But, the 360 controller will work on the PC, yes. Make sure you have the appropriate program to set the controls and such, though.

  5. #5


    microsoft offers official drivers to use your 360-controller on a windows pc.
    then, you could always invest in some headset solution for the pc. plenty of voicechat servers out there. depends on which community you'd prefer - and if you like to play on your tv or pc more.
    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  6. #6


    My bad for the double post, but. You could come hang out with me for a while if you want, we all talk so you don't have to worry about any of that. And we're really nice.

  7. #7


    I haven't been in a party yet where people weren't talking. I'm also glad we can't use Voice Chat in lobbies anymore. No more Green Day at 1000 decibels.

    Then again, I have a USB keyboard too >_>
    Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

  8. #8


    The voice chat sort of ruins the quality of the game for me, not really that no one uses it, but rather the people who do sort of force you into using it as well if you don't want to use it. I.E. keeping your sound on low, listening to music, or just not wanting to use your headset. Then two different forms of communication start conflicting with eachother.

    I purchased a Xbox 360 PC version controller to use when I played PSO:BB. You will need the software that comes with it in order to use your 360 controller on your PC. Though, you may be able to find the drivers somewhere else if you already have a USB 360 controller.

  9. #9


    yea bro id go with ur gut feeling if its saying no to x360 we'll be happy to play with ya on PC/PS2

  10. #10
    Kitsune Warrior
    Join Date
    May 2003
    In Seabed


    See that the issue i run into.. The X360.. well i prefer my TV allot and knowing from the start ill have it at full power is great..But in turn the community will be smaller and i doubt many will spring for a key bored... But with pc i get the full community and the keyboard to talk.. but i run the risk of lower graphics.

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